What is with my brother?he never seems to comnpliment me on anything?
or even respect my efforts....i have fitness trainer certification and turned my shape around by putting on about 40 lbs of muscle(over the past 9 years)and have made waves with my music among small circles.His wife,my brother,my dad,and my mom all really respectwhat i've done and what i've accomplished,but he seems to only once in awhile compliment the good things i've done,or he doesnt do it at all.Other times i just don't wanna be around him.Hell even my friends that are in their 40's and 60's always say when i've done something good.I'm 32 my brother is 37.what's his deal?That's why i never really care to associate with him much except for christmas thanksgiving and maybe some of his kid's birthdays.I dunno it pisses me off...Its like he wants to prove he is better in some way........not in any skill aspects but other things in the way he comes acros.