i am a die hard sharks fan living in Michigan. I am in high school and all of my friends love the red wings. last year when the sharks lost to the ducks in the first round a die hard wings fan that is friends with a lot my friends decided he was gonna be a jerk. i showed up late to math the day after the sharks lost the series and he got the whole class to chant "quack quack" over and over again. this year we are about to beat the wings in 4 and i have decided that i want to get back at him. i have came up with a few ideas
1. Bringing a broom to school tommorow if they sweep the wings
2. Draw a big shark on his windshield with a special marker
3. Post sharks pictures all over his car
those are the ideas i have and i know there not very good. can u help me come up with ways to get back at him?