It was just a casual eighth grade dance and this kid Mark is really shy and doesn't talk a lot, but he started to dance with us for the first time. Of corse some boys were glaring at him because all the girls were dancing around him but that was pretty funny. So he's kind of a nerd with the clothing but he's super nice and everyone respects him. So I guess this girl Maria asks him to dance and he said no, but when I asked him he said yes. Then after it ended Maria asked me who asked who to dance and how lucky I should be b/c he said no to her. It was just a dance for fun because it was the last song before the dance ended so I just figuered on asking him. But now I don't talk to him as much and its kind of awkward because my friend keeps trying to play lovematcher on me. I work on tech crew in a play and she kept dragging him over yesterday (she literally threatened to drag him) and told him he better help me paint something. Its just awkward and I don't like him, but he's nice. Any advice?