someones gonna get this real quick, I'm sure I'm overlooking some really obvious syntax problem, but its not dawning on me haha. When I run

mysql_query( GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, FILE ON entered.testuser TO 'testuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '4be30d9814c6d4e9800e0d2ea9ec9fb00efa887b'; )

sorry this is auto cut-off,but the string ends in '; ) like i think it should

I get:

Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used

I checked in phpmyadmin and the user exists so its def not that.
I dont think it's a problem with quotes, I ran

$grantprivs = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, FILE ON entered.$user TO '$user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$passhash'; ";
echo $grantprivs;
mysql_query( $grantprivs ) or die(mysql_error());

What I posted earlier was what it echoed- I wanted to make sure there wasn't something wrong with the whole variable within variable deal. Sorry for not making that clearer