supporter,or hoodwinked by Rush,etc.?
First of all I am not a racist, neo nazi, or fascist. I believe Hitler and the Nazis were dangerous warmongering SOCIALISTIC fanatics. Nazi in English stands for German Nationa Socialist German Workers' party. Socialism and Workers' Party are left-wing. So the Glenn Beck and the late Gary Allen are/were correct. If anyone is a Nazi, Obama is.

Am I republican? No. I'm a libertarian like Ron Paul. Unfortunately, Dr. Paul had to register and run with one of the two major parties to get elected to his Congressional seat.

Am I a Bush supporter? No. I didn't vote on the guy either time. Buchanan in 2000 and Kerry in 2004 is how I voted. Did his tax cuts help the economy? Yes. Did I support his war in Iraq. No and still don't. Obama campaigned to end this war and hasn't. Did I support Bush's Patriot Act or his real ID Act? No. Obama campaigned to repeal these and has done nothing about them but sign legislation extending the Patriot Act.

Have I been "hoodwinked" By Rush limbaugh?
His only friends and associates are left wing, violent racists like Bill Ayers. He was obviously influenced by the likes of Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, Hitler and Stalin. His cabinet and agenda are packed with the same ilk and ideas.
Have I been "hoodwinked" By Rush limbaugh? No, I listened to Rush very briefly in the 1990s and found him nothing but very arrogant. His only redeeming feature was his constant bashing of one Bill Clinton and his wife. I have not listened to the man in years.
Obama is the left wing, racist , Nazi, socialist person of whom we know very little of. We know he was born in Hawaii, is a mulatto, graduated from Columbia and Harvard because of affirmative action.
Both these schools teach nothing but racist socialism. We know he attended a ultra racist church,
is some left wing author, was some left wing, social lawyer. He ran for Congress and lost. He ran for the Illinois Senate and won. Ran for U.S and won. Ran for President on the platform of "change" and was widely supported by the main stream media. He's given us the soon to be nightmare of socialized medicine and is pushing tax and trade and amnesty for illegal aliens. He doesn't like AZ enforcing federal immigration laws. Does Mr Obama not want AZ enforcing federal terrorism laws either? His ideas and what he has done are nothing but bungling, racist socialist crap.