...fish...WAT IS IT?? PLZ HELP...? hey...i brought 2 neon tetra's ( pink and green) , 1 rosy red , 1 gray fat head minnow, and wat was labeled in the store as a silver moon fish ( looks like a molly , more similarly a dalmation molly , i know for sure its not A dalmation molly , BUT it looks VERY similar ) .....i tried looking the (silver moon molly?) Information up ...but didn't find any pictures or their breeding habits... i KNOW i have 1 male molly and 2 female Molly's? .... i was wondering what their breeding habits are ? ( egg laying , live birth ) BTW MY COLORED NEON'S IS BEING VERY AGGRESSIVELY TOWARDS MY SILVER MOON MOLLY'S ...... IT CANT BE AGGRESSIVE TOWARDS THE ROSY REDS.. BECAUSE THEY ARE FAST AND WILL BE AGGRESSIVE BACK TOWARDS THEM.... what will i do?? i thought colored tetra's weren't aggressive....