Hey everybody !

Here`s my next guide about Siemens reviving, now about this crazzzyyy SX1 !!!

REPAIR ALL software Bugs of SX1, not going in SWUP mode, blinking, not turning on, dead .. etc

Tools needed:
Software: V-Klay v3.3, Joker v3.4.3, SYMBIAN FULL Flash file 32Mb (with loader for V-Klay), E-Gold FullFlash 8Mb
Hardware: ANY S-Gold based x65/75 phone (with 32Mb flash chip)

There are 2 types of SX1:

One has BIG FlashIC, second has SMALL as ANY S-Gold x65 phones with 32Mb !
For example, let`s say, we have SX1 with BIG Flash IC and a working C65 phone;

So what you have to do is to put a SMALL FlashIC in this C65, as SX1 has BIG one it will not fit in C65 board, so you`ll need a SMALL flashIC from any x65 S-Gold phone (C65, CX65, ..etc)

So now we have to Write a SX1 Symbian FLASH part in it

Copy provided loader x65pv.vkd into V-Klay`s loader folder(V_KLay\data\Loaders), And open up V-Klay !
Choose options like this:

Thus, open Symbian FullFlash and press write memory (new window will come up asking if you really want to write fullflash, just press YES)
So, Connect TestPoint with GROUND and power on the phone shortly,

boot.bin will go, and you`ll hear a BEEP sound, soft saying Pause.bin, now you have to DISCONNECT TestPoint from ground, Software will boot and start prepairing to READ BACKUP, so just cancel it, then it will START WRITING Fullflash ...

In about a half an hour (depends what speed you are writting full with), it will say Flashing Completed Successfully !!!

Now take out the FLASH IC from C65 and put it in SX1 OMAP board, (reball it and resolder as well )

See the balls which you will IGNORE

After you have Resoldered it well, replace these 2 resistors and short the rest two
You can see well in this picture:

Symbian Flash is DONE !

What about E-Gold part ?!

Now open up Joker, and Fullflash the phone with 8Mb fullflash, make recalc all keys after flashing as usual !


Damn this crazzzyyyy SX1 is working now !!!

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Pass: Tbilisi

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Very BIG thanks to my friend DJON (vladvil) for helping
