I'm sorry if this is a bit long, but I kind of have to get into some back story before the actual question. About a year and a half ago, I used to be friends with this guy. We'd playfully tease each other, and talk on aim regularly. Although, our conversations were pretty shallow, but that ended when he got a girlfriend a little over a year ago. I was kind of upset that he'd suddenly stopped talking to me, and I admit to having a bit of a crush on him, but I got over it. Over the past year, we used to kind of talk during school, and we'd still joke around, but we pretty much stopped being friends.

Fast forward to today. His girlfriend broke up with him a month ago, and it hit him pretty hard. Around a week and a half ago, I decided to check on him to make sure he was okay, and since then he's been iming me everyday. Our conversations themselves have gotten somewhat deeper and more mature than the ones we used to have. I suppose that could be due to the fact that we're older, but he didn't really seem to change otherwise. He also apologized for how he acted last year, twice, has been complimenting me, and said he'd like to go see Scott Pilgrim with me. Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit, since it's only been a week and a half, but it's kind of strange how he's acting uncharacteristically nice to me. I mean, I understand him wanting a friend and all after a break-up, but I always thought I'd be the last person he'd go to. Have any ideas?