Me and my fiancé have been planning our wedding for a year now, and have set the ceremony to be June 25th, 2011. Unfortunetly living in a VERY small college town, it's very very difficult to find a job, and we've been living with my parents for the passed 3 years. His parents are both split up with way too much drama and money problems of their own to be bothered by us, and of course we can NOT live with my parents once we're married (not only is it just sad, but my parents will also be kicking us out).

The fact that we've been searching for three years for a job and have gotten not even one call back is leaving us with little hope of getting money to pay for our own home (whether it be a trailer, apartment, or anything) once we're married, and my fiancé is beginning to think that the army is the only choice we have.

I don't know what to say, or think. I'm terrified, and he admits that he does not WANT to join, and that he simply believes it's the "best" option. Of course, we really can't afford anything at all right now. We are completely broke, being supported completely by my parents. The allure of having financial stability from the army sways me enough to not be completely and utterly against the idea, but at the same time, I'm scared for him. For our future family. For what it may do to our relationship.

He's said that he would sign up before we get married so that we would not be on the streets, but I'm worried if that may affect our ability to get married in the future. I don't know anything about the military, and if he did join and somehow we would not be able to get married I would be completely heart broken.

I suppose I should get down to a specific question.

What should I do? What should I say? I don't want to convince him not to join, but at the same time I don't want him to think he should run out and join tomorrow. I want him to think long and hard about it.... What is it like to have a spouse in the military?