"Wait....wait....wait a minute here....did you say "nag"?

So, you're saying that men don't nag...(Oh, please!)

And what exactly do you mean by "nag"? Did she call you out on something you were supposed to do but failed to do? Did you promise something and then failed? Did you agree to something and then not hold up your part of the agreement? Then you are being passive aggressive and she is just calling you on it and you can't think of any other way to try and get out of it.
Oh, wait!
You've just thought of a way to try and get around it....you're calling yourself a victim....nice passive-aggressive touch."

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aikm0g.1V5DLHC2LcqLRZ9vSDH1G;_ylv=3?qid =20100912000355AARg7E2

I'm glad to know this is the truth, and that I am calling myself a victim, even though my question was a hypothetical situation (the "victim blaming" thing confuses me. There are some things that are, but seem like they shouldn't be, and other things that aren't, but seem like they should be...I thought I once heard, "You're fat and that's your fault", another person said, "You're blaming the victim!"). It is also interesting that this anwerer thought I was saying that men never nag, though all I did was present a hypothetical situation.


I looked up the definition. It would appear that at least 95% of what people say is passive aggressesive, really isn't...