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  • 01-02-2010, 10:22 AM

    What I would really love to know is why ANY Palm device can't (doesn't) have the Palm OS any more?

    Anyone who has ever had a Palm device with real Palm OS on it has had a powerful reliable device that did loads more than a lot of the newer devices e.g. iPod touch (Except for the Touch's excellent interface) it was streets ahead of the stuff that is even available out there today.

    Windows mobile is, like Windows itself, a flawed OS and the apps it runs are crippled and poor simulations of real Windows apps. e.g. have you ever looked at the amount of crippling that Excel mobile has, less formulae, size restrictions, corrupts most compex worksheets opened in mobile ver and then unless you have a backup you can't open them again in proper Excel.

    If palm could bring out a new PDA that had the interface of the iTouch and the power and functionality of the Palm OS (5.x) then it would be an overnight sensation, a rally powerful device that can do much more than just look pretty.

    Good Luck.
  • 01-02-2010, 10:21 AM
    Because the palm pre is trash.
  • 01-02-2010, 10:21 AM

    why can't the palm pre run windows mobile?

    like all the other phones have it and it would be nice to have it on the palm pre and will they add windows mobile to the palm pre

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