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What is the sum of 36 and 12


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  • 01-09-2010, 08:26 AM
    As of right now, you can pretty much just run Android Apps on any Google OS device. There is a pretty good chance that someone will develop a WinMo emulator for Android at some time, but that will likely be a few more months or so.
    If you're interested in the Nexus One, you probably are using T-Mobile. That means that you can still get the phone and just put your SIM card back into your WinMo phone when you need to use that app. Just a thought...
  • 01-09-2010, 08:26 AM
    Celeb C
    No, not at all. The Google Phone (all the Google phones, including the Droid and Nexus One) run Android. The Google Phone will be shipping with Android 2.1.

    Android is a type of linux written specifically for phones, so no, none of your WinMo apps will work.
  • 01-09-2010, 08:25 AM
    Phusion P
    Google-based phones run on the Android operating system software. Windows Mobile applications will only run on Windows Mobile phones. If you intend to switch from one to the other, you will have to find similar applications. It may be theoretically possible to find a similar program and transfer the data, but I would not count on it.
  • 01-09-2010, 08:24 AM
    As of right now, you can pretty much just run Android Apps on any Google OS device. There is a pretty good chance that someone will develop a WinMo emulator for Android at some time, but that will likely be a few more months or so.
    If you're interested in the Nexus One, you probably are using T-Mobile. That means that you can still get the phone and just put your SIM card back into your WinMo phone when you need to use that app. Just a thought...
  • 01-09-2010, 08:23 AM
    Dr. Batata

    Google phones (Nexus One).. are they compatible with Windows Mobile applications..?

    Will Windows Mobile applications work on Google phones?.. because I'm thinking of switching to Android, but i have a lot of Windows programs (books and medical software) and i wonder if there is a simulator app on google that would run Windows app on their phones!?..

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