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  • 03-19-2010, 01:49 AM
    ?Mï§ë®ÿ§ Äñgël?™
    yes ---FOR SURE. And full internet! its amazing, i have one and im on it all the time...i woudnt leave my house wihout it ever. there are really no words to describe it. ive had lots of cell phones...iphones, blackberry....but the HTC TOUCH PRO 2 is by far amazing!
    But im sure in order to get it, they need to put u on a data plan, so no, i dont think u can get it without internet.
    its still so worth getting it, since that phone does so much more then just internet.
  • 03-19-2010, 01:49 AM

    does the HTC Touch Pro2 Internet?

    i have sprint and i was thinking i should get this phone but i dont want Internet
    do u think sprint would let me?
  • 03-19-2010, 01:49 AM
    PAUL L
    No, you need a data plan since it is a smart phone, if you don't need a data plan then you don't need a smart phone. The way smart phones are designed they need to have internet access to use all of their function.
  • 03-19-2010, 01:49 AM
    ?Mï§ë®ÿ§ Äñgël?™
    yes ---FOR SURE. And full internet! its amazing, i have one and im on it all the time...i woudnt leave my house wihout it ever. there are really no words to describe it. ive had lots of cell phones...iphones, blackberry....but the HTC TOUCH PRO 2 is by far amazing!
    But im sure in order to get it, they need to put u on a data plan, so no, i dont think u can get it without internet.
    its still so worth getting it, since that phone does so much more then just internet.
  • 03-19-2010, 01:49 AM
    ?Mï§ë®ÿ§ Äñgël?™
    yes ---FOR SURE. And full internet! its amazing, i have one and im on it all the time...i woudnt leave my house wihout it ever. there are really no words to describe it. ive had lots of cell phones...iphones, blackberry....but the HTC TOUCH PRO 2 is by far amazing!
    But im sure in order to get it, they need to put u on a data plan, so no, i dont think u can get it without internet.
    its still so worth getting it, since that phone does so much more then just internet.

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