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  • 08-16-2010, 12:47 AM
    Jaime Bee

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!

    Welcome to the Seth and Summer Appreciation thread, bitch!

    Credit Mernie!!

    Reasons why we love them:

    1)Seth said to Summer that it's always been her
    2)They lost their Virginity to one another
    3)Seth can handle Summers rage black-outs
    4)They have the most awesome sex scenes
    5)Seth stood on the coffee cart in "The Telenovela" episode & declared his eternal love for Summer
    6)Their love is undeniable
    7)He named his boat after her
    8)He's her rabbit foot
    9)She told him who Cole Trickle is
    10)He remembered her poem
    11)She was his first kiss
    12)She can't help it, and she certainly can't explain it
    13)He swept her off her feet
    14)They both have toy horses
    15)Rachel said: "Seth and Summer make more sense together."
    16)Summer is the stud finder
    17)They have their own sign language
    18)He ran in front of the car for her
    19)He cleaned urinals to get tickets for her
    20)They are "Just one of those couples"
    21)They had a mistletoe kiss
    22)Summer is Seth's Tiny Tim
    23)They nose-grazed
    24)He is her Spiderman and she is his Wonder Woman
    25)They pinky swore and sealed it with a kiss
    26)She doesn't want to be just his high school girlfriend
    27)She's his snow angel
    28)They made out on the beach on Valentine's Day
    29)When they hold hands it’s just super cute
    30)They belong together
    31)The reason why Seth broke up with Anna was because of Summer
    32)Summer wants to be with Seth now and forever
    33)They shared a bed when they went to TJ.
    34)They had Pillow Talk.
    35)When they eat breakfast, they do everything at the same time.
    36)It was Seth that Summer burried her face into when Marissa Overdosed.
    37)Summer applied to Brown so that they could be together.
    38)Seth told Summer that he got in to college, to make sure that she would follow her dreams and go, beause he wants the best for her.
    39)Seth applied to another school in Rhode Island, so he could be with her.
    40)Seth made Summer a pancake that said "PROM?" on it, because he still wanted to be with her when she won queen
    41)Seth asked Summer to marry him & she said YES!!!!!

    *I want to start a shippers list over here so if you want to be Added just ask here or PM me*


    1. Mischalicious
    2. Jaime Bee
    3. Sethummeraholic
    4. AC love
    5. x-love-adam-brody-x
    6. jhlover
    7. Ella_Ocean
    8. joshuazgirl128
    9. feya
    10. Whitney86
    11. xxCrashIntoMexx
    12. liltashaq
    13. ♥vHan
    16. blondiexo
    17. dancing shoes
    31.Majora's Mask
    33.three little birds
    35.Ali Marie

    **I'm really not sure who made that, but thanks to whoever did!**

    Quote of the Moment:

    Summer: "This isn't goodbye, you're my destiny Cohen."
  • 08-16-2010, 12:03 AM

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!

    Woohoo! New thread! :yay: Great title! Even if it does remind me of ribs! :lmao:
  • 08-15-2010, 11:59 PM
    Jaime Bee

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!


    I hadn't even thought of that!
  • 08-15-2010, 08:20 PM

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!

    Leave it to me to make something about food! :lol:
  • 08-15-2010, 06:47 PM
    Jaime Bee

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!


    Here you can post from my PB.:spank:

    JaimeBee1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  • 08-15-2010, 10:03 AM

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!

    Well aren't u lazy tonight! :headslap: :lol:

    This one is my fave! :love:

  • 08-15-2010, 09:46 AM

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!


    Jaime i love Ur avi:sigh:
  • 08-15-2010, 05:31 AM

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!

    Add me please :love:

    I have been on a Seth/Summer High these past couple of days :sigh:
  • 08-15-2010, 04:52 AM

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!

    Yet another reason why I hate S4
    Josh taking that back like that really screwed it up for me, so I pretend that ep never happened
  • 08-15-2010, 04:44 AM
    Jaime Bee

    Seth♥Summer #23: Because My Baby's Back!

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