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  • 08-26-2010, 04:06 PM
    The Survivor

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    I was just wondering who do you think will get award nominations this year for the Academy Awards seeing that all the big awards will be here soon. Give your predictions and discuss your picks.

    Best Picture:
    Best Director:
    Best Actor In Leading Role:
    Best Actress In A Leading Role:
    Best Actor In A Supporting Role:
    Best Actress In A Supporting Role:
    Best Animated Film:

    If you wanna talk about other catergories I left out then go right ahead.

    I'll be back later to pick and discuss my predictions.
  • 08-26-2010, 10:04 AM

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    I love award season! I'll bold the ones I think will win.

    Best Picture: I've seen three out of the five choices (and only because the other two haven't been released yet) I wish The Departed would win--but I think it'll go to Dreamgirls

    The Departed
    Letters to Iwo Jima
    (and wishful thinking on my part) Little Miss Sunshine

    Best Director: I've seen two out of the 5 choices (and like the above--the others haven't been released in my area) Out of the two I saw--It's all Marty for me.

    Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu (Babel)
    Martin Scorsese (The Departed) He has to win sometime..right? Right?
    Clint Eastwood (Letters to Iwo Jima)
    Bill Condon (Dreamgirls)
    Stephen Frears (The Queen)

    Best Actor In Leading Role: I've only seen Leo's performance out of my choices but all the buzz is still on Whittaker--But I wouldn't be shocked if any of my other choices won instead.

    Forest Whittaker (The Last King of Scotland)
    Leonardo Dicaprio (The Departed or Blood Diamond--depends on which way the studio pushes)
    Ryan Gosling (Half Nelson)
    Peter O'Toole (Venus)
    not sure of the fifth person

    Best Actress In A Leading Role: Helen Mirren has been cleaning up at the award shows thus far. I wish my favorite Kate Winslet would win--but I don't think it's going to happen this year.

    Kate Winslet (Little Children)
    Helen Mirren (The Queen)
    Penelope Cruz (Volver)
    Meryl Streep (The Devil Wears Prada)
    Naomi Watts (The Painted Veil)

    Best Actor In A Supporting Role: I'm rooting for Djimon...but the academy adores Jack--and he was so over the top and in your face--I doubt the academy will resist him.

    Djimon Houson (Blood Diamond)
    Jack Nicholson (The Departed)
    Eddie Murphy (Dreamgirls)
    Brad Pitt (Babel)
    Michael Sheen (The Queen)

    Best Actress In A Supporting Role: I'm definitely rootin for the last three listed here--but with all the buzz Jennifer is getting I'm sure she will win.

    Jennifer Hudson (Dreamgirls)
    Cate Blanchett (Notes on a Scandel)
    Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine)
    Rinko Kikuchi (Babel)
    Adriana Barraza (Babel)
  • 08-26-2010, 06:40 AM

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    I don't know about any of the other categories right now...

    But I honestly believe Cameron Diaz, may get a best actress (or supporting) nomination for The Holiday (Nancy Meyer).

    I think she may be the "wild card" no one sees coming because she is Cameron Diaz, who is usually associated with light and fluffy films where she doesn't have to really act. However, in The Holiday, she carries the film more so than Kate Winslet, in my opinion, even though the entire cast is good as a whole, and she has definitely matured as an actress and a woman/screen presence who should be taken seriously if she continues down this path and stays away from the "Charlie's Angels" type of films.

    I expect to see Little Miss Sunshine up for Best Picture because it is a "safe" picture and one of the more visible independent films with name actors like Alan Arkin -- Who I suspect will get a Best Supporting Actor nod for his portrayal as the scene-stealing grandfather as well.

    I believe Kate Winslet may be to overexposed right now and this might work against her if she is nominated for either Best Actress, or Best Supporting Actress. She has talent, no doubt, but she just happens to be in a lot of projects right now that may force Academy Voters to choose what nomination they can give her which ultimately may turn some of them off if she is "everywhere" so-to-speak.
  • 08-26-2010, 01:22 AM

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    seems like the Oscars race will be a very interesting one this year! since almost everyone expected Dreamgirls to be nominated but it wasn't.
  • 08-25-2010, 11:08 PM
    The Survivor

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Time for my picks.

    Best Picture: I am hoping that The Departed will get an Oscar nod. It was a real good film and you don't see things coming in what happens in the movie. This is probably one of the Best Martin Scorcese movies I have seen in a long, long time. Other probably nominees: Dreamgirls, Two Letters from Iwo Jima, The Queen and Babel.

    Best Director: For me I hope Martin Scorcese gets nominated again and actually wins. He's a very talented director and has made some real good classic movies. I wouldn't be suprised if Clint Eastwood gets nominated for "Two Letters for Iwo Jima.

    Best Actor: I am going to have to jump on the bandwagon and say Forrest Whitaker with all the hype surrounding his performance in "The Last King of Scotland" will in all likely hood be nominated. I also think that Leonardo DiCaprio will be nominated for his performance in "The Departed." I would not be suprised if Sacha Boren Cohen got a nomination for "Borat."

    Best Supporting Actor: I am torn on this one. I would like to see Eddie Murphy get a nomination for his role in "Dreamgirls" being that I have been a fan of his for a long time now. Then again I am long time fan of Jack Nicholson and I think he will get nomination for his role in "The Departed."

    Best Actress: I think Helen Mirren without a doubt will be nominated in her role in "The Queen." I do think that either Kate Winslet or Cameron Diaz might get a nomination for their roles in "The Holiday."

    Best Supporting Actress: I think Jennifer Hudson might get a nomination for her role in Dreamgirls and especially with the hype surrounding her performance in the film.

    Best Animated Film: Happy Feet will get a nomination. The movie is a success and very entertaining. I think if it is nominated it will probably win the award.
  • 08-25-2010, 10:43 PM

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    MarkedBlackBehr - Sadly I never had the opportunity to check out any of the documentaries you mentioned, but hopefully I'll get the chance on DVD. I've heard very good things about the ones you mentioned.
  • 08-25-2010, 06:30 PM

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Dreamon: That's weird---my boyfriend has the same name!
  • 08-25-2010, 06:28 PM

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Hard Candy is one I haven't seen yet.

    I agree about Meryl, but it is rare for a comedic nod, so I applaud that. But, yeah, I'm not really feeling her as the winner for that category either.
  • 08-25-2010, 05:38 PM

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    While It's been fashionable in recent years to award the Best Actor or Best Actress
    Oscar to an actor for a portrayl of a celebrity living or dead. This year's Oscar will without a doubt go to Forest Whittaker for The Last King of Scotland. It's a downright scary and accurate portrayl of a madman.

    Helen Mirren does indeed deserve a nomination in this year's Best Actress Oscar category. However, Imo The Queen in alot of respects is terribly overrated. Once again it's a reenactment of someone else's life. My own particular favorite in this category is a real long shot, Penelope Cruz (Volver). Unfortunately most people only know of her acting abilities in films where she's speaking english. In her native language she's a wonderful and talented actress.
  • 08-25-2010, 04:43 PM

    2007 Academy Awards Discussion

    Ladylove---I love your avatar. What do you think about Leo getting nominated for Blood Diamond but not The Departed?
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