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  • 10-19-2010, 08:29 AM

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    You are killing me here. Dammit, there is no theory but reality itself. That place invites used for trapping period. I dont care about the ban, whats done has been done. But I care about the method.
  • 10-18-2010, 10:56 PM

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    Quote Originally Posted by sez View Post
    By the look of things(at least in my eyes),they are more or less of coccoons where adults suffering from arrested adolescence gather to hide from the realities of bittorrent today.Now convince me otherwise sport.
    :dry: really? harsh realities of BT....
  • 10-18-2010, 03:33 PM

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    That makes it man-to-man sex with scented condoms or something.I honestly feel like the perverted uncle browsing through it...at times.
  • 10-18-2010, 01:16 PM

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    You know you don't have to agree with someone or even like them for that matter , to treat them with a little respect.
  • 10-18-2010, 12:35 PM

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    Quote Originally Posted by 4pirates View Post
    I have been recently attacked from revolt.org.uk thats the only site lets Serb use it as a gaming tool and Can you imagine I helped that site long time ago and even got my first FSC and e**** from them.
    So I already forgive the place just seeing revolt weaker than ever was sad.
    Revolt guys supported Serb (maybe he is even admin there) like these Tit guys.

    well, do YOU even know what YOU are on about?
    Multiple References to Revolt doesn't make you a cool guy. :dabs:
    Serb's account on Revolt is no longer active (Read: DISABLED!). He was last seen Last seen on 2009-12-24 19:12:48 (2 weeks ago).
    So, having said that.. I'd suggest you shut the fuck up.
    Revolt is the last place he'd adjust as a staffer for more reasons than one.

  • 10-18-2010, 09:47 AM
    You know you love me♥

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    This has zero to do with revolt or the revolt irc channels, revolt is part of the bend.me irc network and can be accessed via irc.bend.me.uk, irc.pron.org.uk or even directly via irc.revolt.org.uk of which the #tr.chat channel has absolutely no part.
    You seem quite fixated on revolt for some reason sez ?

    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Btw "faggot" much like it's more palatable cousin "gay " once had a significantly different meaning.
    "Ewwyourface you probably had a gay old time playing with the faggots by the fire":happy:
    Depends on the century you are living in, the original meaning of a faggot was firewood, unfortunately some bright spark had the idea of throwing homosexuals onto bonfires (like faggots) so if you lived in the 14th century playing with the faggots by the fire would be an exceptionally cruel joke
  • 10-18-2010, 08:54 AM

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    Since I have been called out, I'll post.

    I'm not happy with Serb releasing personal info of people. I knew he had some info (but I didn't know he had that much). I thought he had it just in case.

    IMO, Serb is someone with a short fuse. He's temperamental, like, well most people from the Balkans. I don't understand why he would go to such extents just for the fun of it, though.

    And yes I have laughed to his corny jokes, but guess what, he laughed to mine in return. We kinda traded, lol.

    I don't know Blast that well, but I do know mudd. And I do know that he's a no BS guy (much like Albo). If he didn't like something Serb was doing, he told him, prolly throwing some f words in the mix.

    I agree with BlastGT1 about Albo starting a tracker. It'd prolly go down in the first 2 weeks, since everyone would be banned for disrespecting the staff, lol.

    Being old school means you've been through more than one filesharing protocol, btw. And it also means that you're old which isn't good. :P
  • 10-18-2010, 07:52 AM

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    Quote Originally Posted by sez View Post
    Looks like this baby is winding up but I didn't expect that from sport either lol.

    Right now would be about that time when I'd be shitting all over artemis and all these grown ups who think they are mature because they have alot of invites to alot of places and unlike us,they talk BT in secret forums but I won't.

    Your cocoons though are turning you into e-cabbages,I mean just look at you,you are the ones who are supposed to be good at this debate thing with your nice active intelligent debate topic threads and stuff.

    I mean,you suck at the insults,[no offense but that sport guy insults like he's from a genealogy of semi-retarded inbred first borns or something]
    I almost have to beg you to partake in an intelligent debate yet you still cower,you are supposed to be good at this RAB.

    Its not a debate when you are all agreeing you know.Just because somebody holds an antithetical view to what you believe or hold as word,it doesn't mean they are immature or retarded.They just don't agree with you its that simple.

    I was gonna go on a rant about artemis but I'll just say something little as a courtesy to his No!.As somebody who has been through school,I know english is not universal and its never escaped me that some people actually try to learn it right from under a tree exposed to all the elements that loyally serve to distract the learning process.At times its good we think before we end up posting things that others may assume is what we really are.

    And I always know what am doing so you just keep getting pissed letting out details of your incestous love affair with your sisters.Am sitting here lls.
    Why not go on a rant at me, it would at least make sense, I've read that diatribe a couple of times and that didn't, what are you babbling on about ?
    But then I don't need to plunge to the depths of attacking someone personally for their point of view, I am quite able to debate a point of view without needing any form of insult, although I will confess to a certain amount of confusion about what you were actually trying to say?
    What I can see is this discussion has degenerated into a kind of us and them mentality, and moved far from the original topic which was serb and how his usage of peoples personal information is a danger to the community in general, and how some staff have come forward with this, and now the thread has degenerated into a general hate fest!
    I was not the original person who mentioned revolt that was 4pirates and his conspiracy theory - but then it is all part of his 'thesis', but I will defend that forum against misinformation because I happen to like it . As for 4pirates he is probably the most inveterate trader here, so banning is an occupational hazard to him, I'm not sure why he needs to go on about it ?
  • 10-18-2010, 06:23 AM
    Heath R

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    Quote Originally Posted by sez
    How do you even begin developing the relevancy of such a topic?
    probably by creating a separate forum for it where there are discussions, but nothing you read is really that cohesive or conclusive
  • 10-18-2010, 05:24 AM
    Esad M

    BT politics general thread. Oh, the drama

    Quote Originally Posted by Slickerey View Post

    Nice picture. Kinda looks like somebody claiming to be what he isn't.
    Looks like someone has some brown on their nostrils.
    At least if your gonna stick your nose in someones pooper go for a low level mod like Cabalo. Everyone knows Albo is a nobody here.
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