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  • 04-11-2008, 09:27 AM
    Wife2D Mom2A
    Most SAHMs do think everyone says they just play around all day. I know exactly where you're coming from. Being a stay at home mom is easier than being a working mom.

    With being a working mom, you only get to see your child a few hours a day. You then have the guilt of not spending time with them and missing all their firsts. When you're home, you get to spend all the time you want with your child.

    When you're home, you can clean when your child is napping or cook while they're napping. You can't do that when you work.

    When you work you have to get up, get yourself ready, get the baby ready, leave by a certain time, stop at the sitters....when you're home, you're home! You do what ever whenever.

    I know exactly where you're coming form. Taking care of a child is hard work either way, but having a job outside the home along with parenting is most definitely more work.
  • 04-11-2008, 03:49 AM
    Because society assumes that. SAHMs are not rewarded by society in any way and are often penalized when it comes to the work force. The skills you learn as a SAHM translate to lost time on a job resume. You don't get credit toward SS as a SAHM, it's under-appreciated.
    That said, you understand that you have all the responsibility of a SAHM and none of the benefit. Everyone needs to settle down. We're all doing the best we can with the lot we have.
  • 04-11-2008, 01:21 AM
    Connor's mom Liv

    Stay at home mom vs working mom debate..?

    this lady asked a question if people felt underappriciated as a SAHM... and how hard it really is.
    i said i knew it was hard, but stated that i work full time, but my son comes with me, so i have to juggle work, and keeping my son at the same time... ( and no, i'm not just a receptionist at a family job or anything like that) i work in a real office, but have awesome bosses.
    i stated that i would rather be a stay at home mom, because it does seem easier to me... i stated i have many girlfriends who are SAHMs, and they go shopping, to playdates, lunchdates, going to here and there with their little ones, and so on, so they are always out and about doing things.. and how i would love to be able to do that instead..
    well, the SAHMs instantly took offense and acted like i said being a SAHM is a piece of cake...
    i mean, come on... i dont understand how i could have offended anyone, because i clearly stated that this is what i knew of the SAHMs that i know personally...
    why is this such a hot debate??!
    does it really matter if you are a working mom or a SAHM?? i mean, all that matters is that your baby is taken care of..
    not everyone has the ability to be a SAHM, so i would love to be, but i cant....
    why are SAHM so quick to assume people are thinking that their job is easy??

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