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  • 12-01-2010, 01:40 AM
    physics help

    Weekly Music Trading Post

    from ThePhanastasio (Halloween trade) sorry for being late

    Sephiroth - Cathedron (1999)

    Wow, this is really something. I knew I was in for a real treat from the moment I heard the opening track and it didn't disappoint. Sephiroth is a dark arabient project of a Swedish musician Ulf S
  • 11-30-2010, 06:45 PM

    Weekly Music Trading Post

    How fair, leave the threesomes for yourself.
  • 11-30-2010, 04:38 AM
    Heidi 4

    Weekly Music Trading Post

  • 11-29-2010, 11:15 PM

    Weekly Music Trading Post

    I still owe you a review Milo. The gears are in motion.
  • 11-29-2010, 08:34 PM

    Weekly Music Trading Post

    Duga sent me..

    1. One More
    2. Aruca
    3. Defective
    4. A Short Happy Life
    5. 5ive
    6. Sweet Explosion
    7. Queen of Tension
    8. Miss Drugstore
    9. Christmas Song

    He sent me this because I have no shoegaze in my library. From what I heard about the genre, I didn't quite expect such noisy guitars. My first listen through the album I didn't know what to think of it. This was mostly because I was listening through my crappy laptop speaker. In particular, I thought the album opener was really weak. I caught myself thinking "Oh boy, what have I got myself into?" The second listen I put headphones on and the overall experience was much better. With the headphones I could catch all the little nuances whereas with the speaker all I got was noise. I read a bit into this band and it said Medicine was the American answer to My Bloody Valentine. If they're as good as this album, I will be looking into it.
  • 11-29-2010, 07:12 PM

    Weekly Music Trading Post

    No problem glad you liked it. And I had no clue we were supposed to send a cover album, this isn't even close to being one. And the genre of stoner rock you found is spot on. You pretty much nailed the genre definition also. Fuzzy sounding rythm guitars and vocals being on the backburner.

    I dont know if you have heard of the band kyuss, because they pretty much birthed stoner rock and turned out so many other banRAB and great albums. I will post a link so you can read more about them but some of the merabers from kyuss made hermano. So if you like this all there stuff is honestly way better.
  • 11-29-2010, 03:07 PM

    Weekly Music Trading Post


  • 11-29-2010, 01:10 PM
    Southern Plunger

    Weekly Music Trading Post

    Janszoon sent me From The Cradle To The Grave by Subhumans. It's pretty straight up british punk. On first listen the voice annoyed the hell outta me. But as I got into more I found really catchy, an a pretty good head-banger album. I don't think I'll look into more of thier work, but this album will get a few more spins if I ever want to jus rock out. Thanks buddy.

    Aslo: Are we doing this this week? I'm in if so.
  • 11-29-2010, 11:17 AM

    Weekly Music Trading Post

    Yeah, there's not an awful lot can be done about that I'm afraid. Looks like you're gonna have to wait it out 'til the next one.

    If myself and a fair amount of other participants can get our reviews done in time, let's say next Saturday at the earliest we'll start the next one.

    Good man. I'll put you on the list...
  • 11-29-2010, 10:46 AM

    Weekly Music Trading Post

    I'm up for anything. Here's my last.fm though if you like.
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