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  • 12-06-2010, 05:56 AM

    Marilyn Manson

    Manson made two of my favorite albums ever.(Mechanical Animals and Holy Wood)
  • 12-05-2010, 10:41 AM

    Marilyn Manson

  • 12-05-2010, 03:07 AM

    Marilyn Manson

    im a teen and manson has not influenced anything ive done and i love his music, or used to... all the good old banRAB seem to be going downhill nowadays
  • 12-04-2010, 06:37 AM

    Marilyn Manson

    SounRAB like a typical bullsh*t assignment from an overpaid instructor. Ask for a refund in tuition.

    Manson doesn't sell recorRAB anymore, unless you count his pathetic covers of 80s pop songs. KiRAB who turn to him now most likely have already been influenced by something else to go buy his music. The assignment would have been more appropriate if it were given eight to ten years ago, when Manson was actually a media-scrutinized controversial band at their peak.
    Teens are impressionable. They get influenced by just about anything. Pinpointing one artist, one band, one movement, or one sector of pop culture and correlating it to an increase in violence is a waste of time. There will never be a statistically significant study that relates a particular musician/video/song to an increase in violent behavior.
  • 12-03-2010, 05:12 AM

    Marilyn Manson

    Despite been a scary transverstite goth freak who secialises in ****ty covers, Manson is completely harmless. He isnt really a satanist, hes just trying to piss every one off by pretending to be one
  • 12-02-2010, 07:09 AM

    Marilyn Manson

    never heard a song by him we had this question in england
  • 12-01-2010, 10:36 PM

    Marilyn Manson

    Marilyn Manson sucks. dont waste your time
  • 12-01-2010, 12:53 PM

    Marilyn Manson

    This question is durab, and im not yelling at you for it, im saying it in regarRAB to the paper. People need to learn what we all were supposed to from our parents at a young age. You need to take responsibility for the things you do and not blame it on something else. If we allowed the excuse of "I was influenced by" to fly then we would have 2nd hand legal anarchy. People could just scapegoat someone for anything and we'd have to let it fly. Im sure for every one person who watches a manson video and does something stupid, there are 100 other people who watch it and go on living the same as they would have had they not seen the video. The very notion of blaming a musician for anything is rooted in the established view of whats right and whats wrong. No one blammed classical composers or jazz groups for violence, when it could have been just as vulgar. Did anyone condem Johnny Cash for writing the line "I shot a man in reno, just to watch him die"? Probably not, because he also wrote gospel music, and there for was accepted as a humanbeing, nevermind musician.

    Mansons transgender line pushing has people born in 1950 feeling uncomfortable and so they blame him on corrupting the youth when we know that, potentially more detrimental, is those same parents repressing the youth to things they would like to do. Allowing people to try most things hardly corrupts, but the constant repression of desire is well documented as a mentally unbalancing act and should be condemed far for more than any "artist".

    The very word artist to me should tell you that there is a degree of dishonesty, there this isn't entierly what someones about, yet a way to convey a message without blandly stating it.
  • 11-30-2010, 04:14 PM

    Marilyn Manson

    Initially I would say he is bad influence, for the youth to see his existance at such a young age would definitely influence them about some things.

    But Manson is actually a very bright guy. He guest lectures at Universities in the states an has been invited to speak at some conferences. It is a shame most youth will never see how smart Manson actually is until they are too nieve to accept that he is brains over image.

    Of course video is influential. Anything on screen is influential these days.
  • 11-29-2010, 07:31 PM

    Marilyn Manson

    Hi guys i would be really thankful if you could let me know what you think of this two question. i need for my Media exam.

    The influences of rock music and the contemporary rock
    artist Marilyn Manson upon the youth of Today

    Do you think the video could promote violence? What kind of person or things is influential these days? Why do you think they are influential?

    thank you

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