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  • 01-31-2009, 01:07 AM

    Childbirth Education Classes?

    I know my husband and I took a child birthing class and I didn't use a single thing I learned. Now I know that it all depends on your labor and delivery. I only felt my contractions for 30 mins. then I had an epidural and I didn't feel anything after that. Most of the 30 mins. that I did feel the contractions they were putting in the epidural so it didn't seem to bother me to much. Some people were asking us if we were going to the class again, but we decided not to as I didn't use anything from the first time. I guess as I look back I think it was kind of a waste, but thats just my opinion.
  • 01-31-2009, 01:03 AM

    Childbirth Education Classes?

    Unless you are taking a specialty class like Lamaze, I don't think that the childbirth classes are very good. Newborn care are better. I wouldn't take the general childbirth again. I didn't have an epidural, and it didn't help me. I don't think it would help you much either. The newborn care and breastfeeding were good.
  • 01-31-2009, 12:59 AM

    Childbirth Education Classes?

    I didn't go to any birthing Classes for my pregnancy. However I think that if you’d feel more comfortable or more prepared you should go. If your going to choose between the birthing class or the feeding, I’d chose the feeding class most definitely.
  • 01-31-2009, 12:54 AM

    Childbirth Education Classes?

    I rented a movie from my library, it was actually child birth classes on DVD. It was a very long movie! I recommend watching it. I can't remember the exact name of it though. (sorry) But I also went to a child birth class after watching the movie and I didn't learn a single thing that I didn't already learn from the video I watched. It kind of felt like a waste of time to me. The class was nice though because I got to socialize with women who were pregnant as well. But I really don't think the class was that beneficial. If I could do it over again I would have skipped the class. A movie works just as well if you don't care about the interaction with other expecting parents. However, I would definitely take a breastfeeding class, maybe even a baby CPR class. Those two would be very beneficial and I wish I would have taken them.
  • 01-31-2009, 12:50 AM

    Childbirth Education Classes?

    i took childbirth classes with my 1st pregnancy, and found them completely useless. It was basically 6 weeks of watching videos, and being told to move around and breathe when there is pain. It was all pretty much just common sense, wasnt worth it for me, ,and I have had all natural births, if you are having an epidural, you probably also wont learn much that you dont already know
  • 01-31-2009, 12:46 AM
    !Craz? Cali. Babe E8!

    Childbirth Education Classes?

    I agree, I think the newborn/breastfeeding classes may be more beneficial. Its more important that you know how to care for your baby, than knowing what happens during the delivery. Your doctor himself can give you the information you need with that.
  • 01-31-2009, 12:42 AM
    !!!!Fantastik Elle!!!!

    Childbirth Education Classes?

    I went to the 1st one and then skipped the next three. Alot of it you can read about in books, like what to expect when expecting.
  • 01-31-2009, 12:38 AM

    Childbirth Education Classes?

    Hi everyone! I have a question about birthing classes. My husband and I were planning on taking them but I am 32 weeks now and am having a difficult time finding a class that is not full that will work with our schedules (we work fairly opposite hours right now, and I work weekends as well trying to save up as much extra money as we can). I plan on having an epidural for pain relief. I was wondering what you guys thought about the classes. I was thinking maybe I could watch videos/read some books about it instead, and also talk to the women in my life who have been through the experience. At this point I was thinking it might be more beneficial for me to put the time into newborn care/breastfeeding classes instead since it's becoming difficult to be able to do both. I'd just like to hear what you guys think about it, if you've taken the classes, plan to, or not. Also if you have any suggestions about some videos or books to look into that would be fantastic.I appreciate your help! Thanks a lot.

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