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  • 01-31-2009, 04:00 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    A BIT OF HELP???How many trillion dollars??? God I wish I had a BIT of a savings account.Last year Welfare Fraud was three times the budget of NASA.You don't want a bit of help, you want tax payers to support ANYBODY that doesn't want to work.Oh yes; and on the practical end the minute a business takes that HANDOUT, the government owns them. We now have wage control on CEOs, that's exactly 1/2 of what President Carter did to trash this economy during his watch. This crap has not worked once in all the number of times it has been tried. You end up with the government, a bunch of lawyers, designing cars and telling you what you can put into your product or service. If you believe a brain dead attorney knows more about your business than you do then by all means, abdicated your position.
  • 01-31-2009, 03:58 AM
    Philip R

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    The Government should NOT be in the business of providing CHARITY!WE THE PEOPLE pay taxes to operate the essential functions of Government, and if any one of us chooses to give to charity, that is fine but money extracted from people in the form of taxes then going to "charity" is WRONG!
  • 01-31-2009, 03:57 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    Welfare Welfare Welfare. Do you people realize there is no program where someone can choose to to sit and home and collect a government check - except social security and everyone gets that when they are old enough whether they need it or not.TANF - Temporary Aid to Needy Families replaced welfare back in the 1990's. It cost about 80 billion dollars (less that 0.5% of the fed budget). 80% of the people who get it are Children. The few adults that get it are temporarily sick or disabled.Now there are a lot of programs out there that cost far, far more (Food stamps, medicaid, SSI to name a few) But you can't just decide to take money from those programs, you have to qualify with genuine need.So what most of you are complaining about is feeding children and caring for the sick and disabled. Complain away - but there but for the grace of God go you. Karma's a bi-ach
  • 01-31-2009, 03:55 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    your question is about wanting government help and that is the point where we start to have a problem with aid programs if you need help and if you get that help i do not have a problem with that. if you are taking the aid money only because you want help when you have other options that is wrong. we must watch out to make sure the programs are not set up by the government to create a cycle of dependancy but rather a base from witch to become more self sufficant.
  • 01-31-2009, 03:54 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    Sir, Im a conservative and I dont have a problem with giving. My wife and I donate plenty to charity. Our problem is with the people who are able bodied, but would rather suck the government tit. Democrats seek to expand these programs even further . This takes money out of the pockets of hard working individuals and businesses. Its clear to many that more programs = more democrat votes. As for your bible comment. Does religion not have a moral core? You and I both know it does. You can be an athiest without being a dick. Dems say they care . All they care about is their votes. Otherwise if they cared they teach people how to fish, rather than give them fish. You know, todays standard of poor. People still have cell phones, microwave ovens and the like. Government housing comes complete with all that stuff these days. At your expense. You say your a business man. You should understand this. Do an experiment. Save every reciept you have for a month. At the end of the month, tally up the all of the taxes. Include your property tax, sales tax, any form of business tax or regulatory tax or fee. Then ask yourself. Were the hell is it going! The Constitution was written to specifically limit the size and scope of government. Our for fathers new we were going to get to big for our own britches, thats why its written that way. Get yourself a copy of The Communist Manifesto. And a copy of The United States Constitution and read it for exactly what it says. This will take you 30 min to complete. Think about all those beatles songs and "happy" peace songs. There has been an anti American movement going on in this country for qiut some time.
  • 01-31-2009, 03:53 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    you seem to think the government owns the money. you forget that the taxpayers will be the ones footing the bill.and you can be sure that help from uncle sam always come with strings attached. so while you are getting a little help from obama, it will be me and lots of americans paying for it. we are already in debt up to our ears, how can we ever pay for it?whats wrong with being self suffecient?why depend on others to pay your way?
  • 01-31-2009, 03:51 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    Why should my hard earned money go to someone who does not work or have the same work ethic as me.
  • 01-31-2009, 03:50 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    We already have give you some help it's not bad, it's when we give too much help, but the way Obama is put this it is Medicare he's providing for about everyone that has a low paying job or not working. Which is not giving them crumby house until they work their way about it, we give them the same house we worked our butts of for given them to free. Also on the business turf, they discouraging businesses to exceed, if you become successful in your business you get taxed so much more to give to someone else. Does that seem fair? Especially when you have a business that you own and you are risking your house, car, and finance on the business.
  • 01-31-2009, 03:49 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    After a lifetime of work and paying hefty taxes, I'm with you! I want to give up and suck off the system like the Dems. Since there will now be more takers than payers under Barry O, I will be joining the new majority!!! It's kind of exciting!Just one question: Will I be required to take drugs and scream "Global Warming"???
  • 01-31-2009, 03:47 AM

    Whats wrong with wanting a bit of government help?

    I'm a conservative and I believe government aid is necessary. (something in our constitution) Provisions for the general welfare of citizens is a very complicated and varied. It can compare with all the different cultures and political views that americans have. All of us will never agree about everything.
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