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  • 01-13-2011, 05:30 PM

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    i actually went one month without them, got some bad heartburn one morning so i took one pill, and now i'm going to try and go 5-6 weeks and then maybe take a zantac if needed

    and no.. i haven't been tested for food intolerances, only food allergies. i cut EVERYTHING that affects reflux out of my diet, all preservatives, food dyes and additives.. etc. i eat completely natural these days, so that way no doctor can tell me my food is making me worse!
  • 01-13-2011, 01:27 AM

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    I have been on Prevacid for over 10 years with a switch to Nexium in between. Going off of any PPI will probably give you acid rebound for 4-5 days per my GI, doc and personal experience. Greg
  • 01-12-2011, 09:06 PM

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    hmm 4-5 days isn't too bad i guess.. i wonder if those days of really bad reflux can do any damage though..just because it's more intense than any other heartburn i've ever had
  • 01-12-2011, 04:12 AM

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    that's great.. feel better!
  • 01-11-2011, 08:50 PM
    java junkie

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    Have you ever been tested for food intolerance? I had constant acid in my throat for years but when I found out I wasn't digesting certain fooRAB and removed them completely from my diet my acid left in about 6 weeks. It now doesn't return unless I go back to the original fooRAB that I removed. I used Thinkrite for my test. I'M not sure if it is more complicated than that for you but that's all it took for me.
  • 01-11-2011, 04:49 PM

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    2 weeks later and still doing well on every other day Zegerid. FLFLOWERGIRL
  • 01-11-2011, 07:56 AM

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    I really don't know. I have been on PPI's for 9 years. I now have a hard time absorbing iron so I am trying every other day right now it has been about 1 week and I feel great righjt now. I would try something OTC liquid to get you through the tough times. If it is too bad you may have to go back on them at a smaller dose at all times??? FLFLOWERGIRL
  • 01-11-2011, 05:04 AM

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    Greg--That's good to know, I never knew that it was such a short period. I am only trying to cut down so that I can absorb more iron. I don't know if I could ever completely get off of them. I am scared of BE. What do you think? FLFLOWERGIRL

    a1234567--Are you back on PPI's now or still trying? Every other day is better than full time. FLFLOWERGIRL
  • 01-10-2011, 07:35 AM

    "rebound reflux" from going off nexium

    So i'm writing here to see if anyone else is experiencing "rebound reflux" from going off a medicine like Nexium.
    I went on it in April because I was constantly clearing my throat, coughing, couldn't breathe, etc. I did not have heartburn then.
    Every time I tried to get off of it after that I had terrible heartburn and went back on. I thought something was wrong with me.
    In Septeraber I had an endoscopy. Everything came back normal.
    I decided that my doctor telling me to just stop the medicine wouldn't work, so I decided to ween myself off. I first took it every other day, to every three days... once a week, once every two weeks..
    I just hit the one month mark. Went one month without taking it. I was doing okay until a few days ago when the heartburn came back, plus I've had a gross taste in my mouth. Has anyone tried something similar? I want to try and tough it out and see maybe the heartburn will only last a week or two as my body gets used to the acid again. Is this a bad idea? I just don't want to be on the drugs anymore. I don't think I needed them in the first place. I think I had seasonal allergies instead since I was recently diagnosed with them.

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