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  • 05-15-2011, 08:21 AM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    I can't find any 16GB iPhone on Expansys which is cheaper than the 32GB one. You even said yourself above that it's ?440 standard. The 32GB is more than that. Can you show me the link? I want my blog to be accurate

    I figured Expansys prices are relevent, because they represent a pretty standard "competitive" price for stuff like this. They're a very popular website.

    Can you explain what that last paragraph means? Expansys prices already include VAT, and I don't understand why you're adding $100 to it? Again, not trying to argue, just trying to understand.
  • 04-21-2011, 05:00 AM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    dbell welcome to AC forum
  • 04-21-2011, 01:03 AM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    Welcome to AC forum
  • 04-20-2011, 04:53 AM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    And I don't need 32 GB. 16 GB would do it for me.

    I don't see why people still going to Apple. I mean, I totally respect Apple and I know that the market has opened sooo much all because of them but if people see this, then they should buy this and not the iPhone 3G.

    I have yet to see the main apps as I wasn't impressed by the android market at all.
  • 04-20-2011, 04:33 AM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    @Edit 2: Good that you researched further. Also according to my understanding, Expansys prices are absolutely irrelevant. You may notice that the 16GB version if more expensive than the 32GB version.

    Also if I estimate the price, the price for the 16GB version is ?440(standard) Adding $100=?64 would estimate the final price of the product to be around ?504. Adding VAT and other estimations to the extra 16gigs, we have the final price of the product at around ?(504+11)515 which isn't expensive, you see.

    I am not going to argue as I don't think that apple is very expensive but yes, HTC is a better product overall and I'm all for it.
  • 04-19-2011, 07:10 AM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    Welcome to AC, the N97 is an awesome.....paper weight lol.

    Sorry for butting in but HTC Desire = ?399.99: play.com
  • 04-18-2011, 12:40 PM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    I linked my source at the bottom of the table where it shows the price. They are based on the SIM/Contract Free versions of the phones from Expansys to give a real value of the phone as available to anyone. I found them by searching for "iphone 3g s" and "htc desire" on their site, and looking at the first one that doesn't come with a load of accessories or extras, in an attempt to give the most accurate cost of the phone on its own without subsidisation from a network or having an inflated cost due to extras.

    iPhone 3G S = ?799.99: http://www.expansys.com/d.aspx?i=183742

    HTC Desire = ?439.99: http://www.expansys.com/d.aspx?i=196001

    So, the HTC Desire is 55% of the price of the iPhone 3G S, which is pretty close to "around half the price".

    Expansys was the only site I looked at, as I use it frequently. If I made a mistake I am happy to correct it.

    Edit: OK, on researching that further, Expansys sorts by the most expensive item first, so the above is a link to the black iPhone, which is ?100 more than the white one which is currently ?694.99. Still, that leaves the HTC Desire at 63% of the cost of an iPhone 3G S, which is pretty close to "around half the price".

    Edit 2: And to be really fair, the iPhone 3G S linked is 32GB, and the HTC Desire comes with a 2GB SD card... so add ?70 for a 32GB micro SD and you get ~?500 versus ~?700. Not "around half the price" any more, but still a damn site cheaper. I updated the blog entry to reflect all of this. Thanks for giving me a nudge to double check those figures.
  • 04-18-2011, 07:30 AM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    Hi All i'm new here and just purchased a HTC DESIRE, it's an amazing phone. Much better than the N97 that i had, it was soo buggy..
  • 04-18-2011, 05:06 AM

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    Hey mate, I was just reading your blog.
    How is HTC desire half the price of an iPhone?
  • 04-17-2011, 02:59 PM
    Charlie Dont Surf

    New Android user + HTC desire question

    Oh! I see from all the comments that this phone is awesome and so is android. There is another phone that is coming to the market, HTC incredible. I think, most of you guys have probably heard about it.
    The point is that by the time my contract runs out, I'll be able to get hold of it.

    As for HTC desire, if the battery is an issue, then I'll have to go over it again.

    I need a phone with which I can do sms, calls, internet & email(only) throughout the day without a recharge. If that is what this phone offers, I'm all up for it. I think HTC desire+Android makes it a perfect deal.

    @dbell: I would be pleased to know your comments sooner or later.
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