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  • 05-16-2011, 01:07 AM

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    "Omelet" wrote in message
    news[email protected]...

    Yes! My entire immediate family has some sort of food issues, save for my
    husband, although he does have gout and should be eating for that. But I
    digress. It is difficult to concoct a meal we all can/will eat, but it can
    be done. The menu is very limited though.

    I also tried to take everyone into account when I cooked for my husband's
    family. MIL got to the point where all her food had to be minced or she
    would choke on it. She could not eat bread unless it was in something like
    a hot turkey sandwich, minced up. No raw veggies for her. FIL hated
    onions. He and some others also had issues with various foods like tomatoes
    because of GERD. That was a bit tough because they are Italian. One SIL
    would not eat mashed potatoes. And then there were some of my nieces and
    nephews who were very picky eaters.

    When I knew we would be visiting, I spent many hours concocting menus we all
    could eat. Sometimes I would serve something that one person didn't like or
    couldn't eat but I would always make sure I had a nutritional equivalent
    that they would or could eat.

    I would never ever invite people over for dinner and hope they liked what I
    was serving. I would always ask first if there were any food issues.
  • 05-16-2011, 01:05 AM

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    Re: [email protected]

    Julie Bove wrote:

    LOL! Yeah, there is a lot of cluelessness out there about food storage

    I keep a big styro cooler like the kind used for shipping frozen steaks in
    my car. When I shop more than one store, sometimes several in one trip,
    perishables go in there along with frozen items, which serves to keep
    everything nice and cold until I can get it home.

    We have a three door commercial counter height fridge (on pneumatic tires!)
    in our barbecue competition trailer. We also have an indoor outdoor
    thermometer, the kind with the atomic clock and the remote sensor unit that
    is intended to be placed outside. Instead we just throw the outdoor sensor
    in the fridge and its temp is then shown on the wall display at all times.
    Since we sometimes compete in ridiculous summer heat with spells of
    accessing the fridge heavily, with a couple hundred bucks worth of meat and
    other foods inside, it's damn important. But that puppy is a champ at
    cooling down fast. You have to watch carefully where you put garnish greens
    though or they will frost up. It's usually powered by either generator or
    "rented" power access at competitions, but I'd hate to pay the bill for
    running that thing inside. One or both of us usually sleep in there during
    comps and on cool nights, within reason, the heat from that unit alone will
    keep the place habitable.

  • 05-07-2011, 12:55 AM
    peace :]

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    Re: [email protected]

    Jim Elbrecht wrote:

    Well, I'll amend that to relatively tasteless, and to me, unappetizing.
  • 05-05-2011, 05:42 PM
    Reese W

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    "Bryan" wrote in message
    On Mar 6, 6:36 pm, Toni wrote:

    Lots of companies make fragrance free products.
    Why are you too stupid to know that?
    What confounds you is your own stupidity. You probably like to smell
    like Tide and FDS.


    They do, and to me they stink of chemicals! I don't like them. Nor do I
    like Tide or FDS. I use Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day and Method products for the
    most part.
  • 05-05-2011, 05:49 AM
    Adebayo D

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    "Brooklyn1" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...

    Funny thing is, this same health food store sells scented candles, oils,
    incense and creams. One of the stinkiest creams I've ever encountered came
    from that store!
  • 05-03-2011, 10:34 PM

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 06:34:46 -0800 (PST), Bryan

    If that's the case, why not just make one laundry soap which everyone
    will have to use as it's been certified not to have any fragrance.
    Next we'd force the big companies to make only one hand soap
    (fragrance free of course). Then if we really wanted to get silly how
    about one book, one religion, one race, using your logic we'd all be
    walking around yelling Heil. Your stupidity confounds me Bryan.
  • 05-03-2011, 05:49 AM

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 17:43:24 +0000 (UTC), [email protected] (Steve
    Pope) wrote:

    That's nonsense... you've obviously never eaten at a restaurant... I
    don't want to smell your stinkin' lamb, liver, or shrimp while I'm
    dining on beef... then I should stay home. I'd much rather the aroma
    of Opium parfume wafting from my date's heaving bosom than your wife's
    skanky franks n' beans flatulance. Anyone so offended by scents that
    they want to impinge on other's rights to schtink however they like
    needs to have their olfactory nerve severed. It's been my experience
    that those who make the most noise about others are themselves the
    biggest offenders. Obviously the odor of soap, toothpaste, and
    deodorant is foriegn to you who don't bathe. I'll stop wearing
    aftershave when yoose start washing your ass.
  • 05-02-2011, 04:05 PM

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    Bryan wrote:

    I understand the attraction to scents. But this can be mostly satisfied
    by sniffing them, not by wearing them or washing things in them.
    If nothing else, even if you have no allergies the ability to appreciate
    food and wine is degraded when there are scented products in the vicinity.

  • 05-01-2011, 12:18 PM
    a€?? ???D?D?sterr !.

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    Julie Bove wrote:

    Aren't all medical offices scent-free? Or is that just here where I live?

  • 04-30-2011, 02:58 PM

    So I'm emptying out my fridge...

    Bwrrrryan wrote:

    Nonsense. Every business already schtinks from the products they sell
    and use... you really need to get out more, Bwrrrryan.
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