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  • 07-08-2011, 08:32 PM
    Miss Priss

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    No one has mentioned the Team Rocket Trio? I'll mention them I guess. They have no real reason to continue to follow Satoshi anymore. They've been through 4 major regions already so there's no reason to catch Pikachu if you haven't caught it already.
  • 06-18-2011, 09:47 PM

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    Well, Nerissa never really destroyed any worlds; taking a world's Heart doesn't hurt it, at least so long as the Heart is still alive (maybe if it was destroyed, it was never mentioned, but Nerissa wasn't destroying Hearts, only acquiring them to help her utilize her goal). The only people she hurt were those holding the hearts (Guardians, Elyon, Kadma, Ironwood, and that Aridian guy). Even after Elyon's destruction, Meridian was still peaceful, just without it's ruler. As for killing Cassidy, she was driven insane by the Heart of Kandrakar's power and was simply power hungry like Phobos, but after she was imprisoned in Mount Thanos for decades, a stray portal opened up and transported her to Meridian. She met the Mage who adopted her and tried to show Nerissa the error of her ways. She was successful, but not in the way she intended. Nerissa remembered power was meant for protecting people, and decided to use the power she would obtain to protect the universe by uniting it under her rule to end war, suffering, and injustice (thereby going back to what she originally was, a Guardian). She regretted killing Cassidy, her best friend, in her moment of weakness and insanity, and it was what she regretted the most in her life and it caused her so much pain. Phobos just wanted to rule to be a ruler and control everything, and he wouldn't care if any of his "friends" or people died in the process; the people he ruled over were suffering and miserable (which is another reason Nerissa helped overthrow Phobos). In a way, you can say Nerissa and Phobos started out the same, but Nerissa evolved and shifted to a noble goal after realizing what she had become.
  • 06-18-2011, 07:31 AM

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    I guess you're right.

    Hmm, a villain with no motives, huh.

    Sabertooth has no reason to kill Wolverine, except for revenge, of course.
  • 06-17-2011, 10:16 AM

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    I prefer serious villains with original personalities and that actually get involved with their own plans which is why alot of Star Wars prequel villains weren't so good, nearly all of them would just run away rather than fight. I also don't like villains that just drag things on like the 1st season Street Fighter cartoons Bison, if its time to kill a villain, do it! I prefer a show with a number of villains rather than one.
  • 06-16-2011, 09:52 PM
    The Dark Romantic

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    Deadpool is better developed in the comics. And he's a mercenary, so he has a reason for doing the things he does.

    Arcade also has a profit motive, at least, as he traps people for hire. He also seems to draw pleasure from testing his traps and planning against various heroes.
  • 06-16-2011, 12:37 PM
    avatar rocks

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    Yes, he originaly needed a smurf cause it was the part of a recipe for turning metal into gold. But after several defeats he eventually stopped caring about that and instead decided he just wanted to destroy them for revenge.
  • 06-15-2011, 07:25 PM

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    The first phychotic that comes to mind is Deadpool. He is insane. If anyone watched Hulk VS. Wolverine, they will know what I am talking about.

    Another crazy person might be Arcade from the X-Men comics. He makes fun games and parks designed to kill people. He is SO annoying.
  • 06-14-2011, 06:42 PM

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    I don't think Phobos was very different from Nerissa. Nerissa wanted to draw her power from the mystical Heart's, so she took them, and was willing to destroy whole worlds to get more. Phobos drew his power from the life force of the people he ruled. For me that really showed up when he drew life force directly from Tarrany and Corney in V for Victory. If he had gotten Elion's Heart, he would have had the power he needed. I don't think Nerissa was thinking of harmony when she killed Cassidy.

    I prefer psychotics too. Drakken would like to be, just not very good at it. Evil Ron just wanted to be evil,,, and stay away from the "kids table". Then there's always the good idea of a super computer AI that really only wants to destroy the world because it can.
  • 06-13-2011, 07:06 PM

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    Yep---Sassette was created by the male Smurflings out of wanting to give Smurfette another female Smurf to pal around with.

    Re: villain motivations:

    I generally prefer villains to have some sort of motivation (even if it's a generic one such as "take over the world"/"I hate the "), versus "I'm doing this for no reason because I'm craaaazy/eeeevil". Maybe one reason I never liked current/recent versions of the Joker (if I want to see people do nihilistic grim stuff for no reason, I've already got the easily-more-frightening-than-clown-boy-could-ever-be evening news, thanks...).

    The Hacker on "Cyberchase", despite being a PBS cartoon for kids, has an actual goal---conquering all of Cyberspace to rule/spread chaos as he sees fit, with some of the attempts involving trying to kill off its sitting ruler (Motherboard) to do so. Which would seem to put him past "Arthur"'s Binky Barnes in the threat-level territory... ;-)

  • 06-13-2011, 06:12 PM

    Cartoons where the bad guys have no reasonable motives versus ones where they do

    If I'm not mistaken wasn't Sassette created by the younger Smurfs because they wanted a playmate like Smurfette? Or is my memory fuzzy?
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