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  • 07-12-2011, 01:18 PM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    Brian: Hey, Jasper's here.
    Jasper T. Jowls: Wait a minute, you're not Chuck E. Cheese.
    Brian: Oops, wrong Jasper.
  • 07-12-2011, 01:13 PM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    It's getting there in age, but I'll add another one too.

    *Meg is crying as Peter tries to comfort her*
    Meg: Oh my god, I can't believe that happened! I'm going to be a laughing stock for the rest of my life!
    Peter: Well...uh, look on the bright side! It could always be worse!
    Meg: Worse?! How could it be worse?!
    *cut to a room, where an Asian man and a government agent are sitting*
    G-Agent: So let me get this straight. You guys get a jeep, fill it with propane tanks, drive it towards Gasglow airport at an incredible 30 MPH, but a few blow up with you two inside, your buddy get's burned from head-to-toe, and you couldn't even get the jeep in the building?
    Man: Uh...yeah, that sounds about right.
    *G-agents stares at man deadpan. He snickers, a little bit at a time, and then outright begins to laugh loudly, tears streamming down his face while pounding the table*
    G-agent: Hahaha O-oh...hahahaha oh my god! You're a joke! Hahaha you two are a *bleep* joke! Hahahaha! And Glasgow?! Of all the targets in all the country, you pick Glasgow?!
    Man: *tearing up* I-It was convenient!
    G-agent: Hahahaha! A-and what kind of driving was that? You couldn't wait to blow them up until you at least crashed into the building? Hahahahaha! A-are you that quick in bed too?! I bet you are!
    Man: *starts crying* N-no...
    G-agent: Dude, you are! I so bet you are!
    *man begins to sob*
    Man: Hahaha! H-hey, John! Hahaha John! Are we taping this?! I want future generations to know what a loser this guy is! Hahahaha!
  • 07-12-2011, 01:07 PM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    Could this Family Guy cutaway have been making fun of the famous Mary Tyler Moore Show 1975 episode "Chuckles the Clown Bites the Dust"?
  • 07-12-2011, 01:02 PM
    Martha A

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    Because in real life you'd NEVER be able to swim through money the way Scrooge McDuck does on the show.
  • 06-23-2011, 11:18 AM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    Lois: Peter, stop standing too long in the parking garage and let's go Christmas shopping in this mall!
    Peter: BURP! Says the king!
  • 06-22-2011, 07:34 PM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    Thanks to Peter, Joe, and Quagmire's drunken rampage after the results of the latest season of Hell's Kitchen, prohibition has taken over the city when Mayor West signs it into law. A dry Brian is desperate for a drink.

    Brian: Come on Lois, I know you're holding out on me, just give me a little sip. I'll make it worth your while.

    Lois: For God's sake, Brian, you're worse than Winnie the Pooh.

    Cuts to the 100 Acre Wood. Pooh walks up to Christopher Robin, who's holding a pot of honey.

    Pooh: Good morning, Christopher Robin. Might I have a small smackerel of honey?

    Christopher Robin: Silly old bear, you know honey's not free.

    Pooh lowers his head in shame as he follows Christopher Robin behind a tree, where a zipping sound is heard.

    Pooh: (muffled) Oh, bother.
  • 06-22-2011, 02:46 AM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    I've had this one on my mind for a few days, so I figured that I would share it.

    *Brian and Stewie are arguing about the debate of the week which this episode is inspired by*
    Stewie: Oh come off it Brian, that's as contrived of a notion as an adult contemporary artist trying to act gangsta.
    *cut to recording studio where Pat Monahan of Train stands next to his mic*
    Pat Monahan(singing): I'm so gangsta/I'm so thug/Watch me cut a rug-a-dug/Doug like Quailman/Yo yo yo...
    *Stewie walks in out of nowhere*
    Stewie: hahahaha, nice *moves*. Wad.
    *Stewie walks out while Pat stands there, disappointed*
  • 06-21-2011, 08:53 PM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    This would have been funnier a couple of years ago. Thankfully they're really cut back on the cutaways lately.
  • 06-21-2011, 03:17 AM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    Winnie the Pooh being in an intervention with his friends about his honey addiction.
  • 06-20-2011, 09:52 AM

    Dump your homemade Family Guy cutaways here!

    BRIAN: Man, this is gonna be shorter than the Family Guy episode without all the cutaway gags.

    [cut to end of theme song]

    [end credits]
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