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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 12-18-2011, 06:09 AM


    1. Which of the following best describes the use of relative dating?(Points : 3)
    a. to determine the date on which a prehistoric event occurred
    b. to calculate how many years ago a certain geologic event occurred
    c. to determine the age of a rock in years
    d. to determine the sequential order in which prehistoric and geologic events occurred

    2. Which principle tells us that in a sedimentary sequence the youngest unit is on the top?(Points : 3)
    a. lateral continuity
    b. original horizontality
    c. faunal succession
    d. superposition

    3. Which principle tells us that rock layers separated by a valley, but otherwise similar, are assumed to have once been continuous?(Points : 3)
    a. superposition
    b. faunal succession
    c. original horizontality
    d. lateral continuity

    5. Fossils can give us clues about a particular environment's past climate and geography, but they cannot be used to delineate the relative ages of rocks.(Points : 2)
    a. True
    b. False

    6. Which of the following scientists is known for developing the principle of cross-cutting relationships?(Points : 3)
    a. Nicolaus Steno
    b. Charles Darwin
    c. Charles Lyell
    d. James Hutton

    7. To be a useful index fossil, the organism should have been rare when it lived on Earth.(Points : 2)
    a. True
    b. False

    8. An igneous intrusion that cuts through a layer of sedimentary rock must be older than the sedimentary rock it cuts through.(Points : 2)
    a. True
    b. False

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