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  • 03-08-2012, 10:00 PM

    Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #335- C'mon Princess Lizzie, Will wants to show you the sights!

    subtley was never their strong suit. :lol:

    hey sheila! :wave:
  • 03-03-2012, 07:43 AM
    Larisa F

    Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #335- C'mon Princess Lizzie, Will wants to show you the sights!

    My theater gasped too when he was stabbed I was in MAJOR tears when it happened. And the way Elizabeth is like no no stay with me and when Jack is pulling her away she's like No I won't leave you
  • 03-03-2012, 05:47 AM
    Kristen D

    Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #335- C'mon Princess Lizzie, Will wants to show you the sights!

    She really did. Who wouldn't, look at him
  • 03-02-2012, 05:46 PM
    DontTreadOnMe Vol. 2

    Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #335- C'mon Princess Lizzie, Will wants to show you the sights!

    I have to totally agree with this.

    Elizabeth is a very specific type of pirate. There have only been two times that I can think of in the movies where her moral center had been challenged.

    One would be after she bargains with Norrington to rescue Will. She knows that the undead pirates can't be killed, but she keeps that knowledge to herself ... for awhile.

    I know that there is a lot that is made out of the "peas in a pod" scene. Many think that it proves that she and Jack are alike. But that's really not the case. Elizabeth can't send innocent men into a situation where they can't win. Her conscience gets the better of her, and she tries to tell them, through warning Gilette.

    The same holRAB true for the kraken scene. She's eaten up with guilt, even though she's saved her own life and the lives of Will, Gibbs, Pintel, Ragetti and Cotton. She can't live with herself, and when the opportunity comes to make it right, she takes it.

    Elizabeth, for all her love of pirates, could never do what they do. She couldn't blast another ship into oblivion, all for the sake of swag. Imagine her coming upon the dead body of a cabin boy, as she boarRAB the ship to take their plunder. How would she ever live with herself?

    No, Elizabeth is young and idealistic. And she got to be a "pirate" by fighting bad guys, like Seive said. Will had his own time to be a "pirate." I still laugh at how he fooled everyone as he negotiated the mutiny with Sao Feng behind everyone's back. And, if he wouldn't have been betrayed, he would have been successful.

    But, in each case, Elizabeth and Will were both pirates, not because they were in love with the life style, but because they could do so without compromising their honor. Elizabeth fought the undead pirates, and EITC headed by the man who murdered her father. Will committed mutiny to get the Pearl, not because he wanted to be a pirate himself, but because he needed it to save his father from a horrible fate.

    As Governor Swann said, "Sometimes piracy itself can be the right course." In Will and Elizabeth's cases, it was because, at the time, it put them on the side of right. But, to stay a pirate, and be a real pirate, would put them on the side of wrong, and I don't think that either one of them could do it.
  • 03-02-2012, 04:29 PM

    Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #335- C'mon Princess Lizzie, Will wants to show you the sights!

    haven't been here in a really long time! hello all!

    also missing Will and Elizabeth
  • 03-02-2012, 02:11 PM

    Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #335- C'mon Princess Lizzie, Will wants to show you the sights!

    Seive, I love your reason.

    And it really, really goes against the mistaken belief that so often pops up ... that Will is somehow going to stifle Elizabeth's freedom.

    If that was the case, he would never have taught her how to use a sword, and use it so well. He would have been saying "Don't worry your pretty little head about it, darling. I'll protect you."

    Yeah, Will is really gonna hold her back.

    6. Because if it weren't for those bars, Elizabeth would have Will already.

    Thought I'd go to a more romantic moment. Notice how Will didn't look surprised that Elizabeth is saying such things to him? Ah, yes, stuck on propriety Will didn't even bat an eye at her suggestive comment.

    In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that they were under arrest, and Will was anxious to get Elizabeth free, I bet he probably would have taken her up on her offer. In front of Daddy, too.

    Of course, I see swordplay as foreplay for these two. :lol:
  • 03-02-2012, 01:47 PM

    Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #335- C'mon Princess Lizzie, Will wants to show you the sights!

    I actually liked the 4th movie! But I agree that it wasn't the same without them. :no: I will always love these two! :in_love:
  • 03-02-2012, 09:56 AM
    totting fox

    Will/Elizabeth [POTC] #335- C'mon Princess Lizzie, Will wants to show you the sights!

    I am happy the way they took Will. making him captain and marrying Elizabeth, they were meant for one another

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