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  • 07-10-2012, 08:40 AM
    be that Islam or ANY other religion, to me it's a waste of time and effort. Believe in yourself. People that want to believe into something that doesn't exist are weak.
  • 06-22-2012, 07:15 AM
    M Al-Qadasi

    A Discussion about the validity of Islam...I have discussed this with some guys and here I reply ..?

    1-"What fool would believe that their religion is 100% correct?"
    Reply : Who would believe that the religion that he is practicing is not 100%. To me, I would not tend to believe in anything that shows any flaws. I am a muslim (thanks to Allah) and I have no doubt that the Islamic religion has no flaws at all. I know some of you guys have read about many religions and I am more than sure that you found some conflicts in them. You can not ignore this note because you can not compare Islam to the other religions. Other religions believe in different gods of nature or whatever; sometimes, these religions say that there is a certain god for wind and another for light and another for love...etc. Allah (the omnipotent) is the god of the whole universe.

    2-"Why is it that Muslims support thier ideas eventhough there is a proof they are misled? and there is no way that your religon can be correct. strapping bombs on yourselves and killing hundrends of people tht dosent sound like it can be right."

    Reply : I would say this: where did you get your proof from? Why do you judge on Islam directly without deep recognition of what Islam really is? Many guys nowadays think that Islam is the core of terrorism and that whoever is in Islam is a terrorist. That is NEVER true. Instead of judging on Islam by noticing what some guys who claim Islam do, you should do the opposite. You should judge on those who do whatever they do by looking at the Islamic religion. Those who do some attacks or nuke some cities are not practicing Islam even though they claim they do. Islam is an Arabic word that can not be translated into a single word in English. Islam could be translated into (surrender, submission, obedience, sincerity and peace). This word in Arabic shows what the religion is about and you can notice it now since you know what it means. It does not mean terror or any thing like that. It indicates that what Islam wants is surrender, submission, obedience and sincerity to Allah. Why would you think that Muslims are terrorists and those felonies who are planning some attacks. I am a muslim and I have never though of doing something like that.

    3-"If there is a God and he really wants us to believe one specific thing, he'd very easily be able to make it obvious what is the truth. Either he doesn't exist, or he likes the variation we have in religion."

    Reply : Well, don't you notice it. It is crystal clear that there is a god in this universe. Let's think for a moment here [Please be sincere with your thinking].. If I asked you who made this door, you would say a carpenter and if I asked again about who made that window, you would say a blacksmith. Who programmed this computer? -> A programmer.
    Then who created this universe? --> A god.
    I am not sure how atheist started to believe that there is no god. Everything is clear. Even if you don't find it that clear, then why would a god like the variation of religions since each religions is talking about different matters of life and different characters to whom we are supposed to worship. The only explanation for this is : there is only one true religion; if you guys didn't hear about Islam there he you have read about it. If you have any question that shows that I am wrong then you can send me emails and ask me. I would be more than able to convince you in a better way.

    4-"Give us proof that it's the word of God and maybe we'll believe you. Christians have been trying for a while, and they've given us nothing to work with.
    But how about you?"

    Reply : I am relieved you are willing to hear from me. The Holy Quran is the word of God. There are a zillion things that indicate that. I will give you some notes here; the Holy Quran shows that Allah is the only one whom we should worship. Lets not dig much in subjective details. Do you know that the Holy Quran is working miracles? You can google the miracles in the Holy Quran or you can send me emails if you want. There are many kinds of miracles, some of them are scientific( which means that Allah revealed the Holy Quran to the prophet Mohammed PBUH before about 14 centuries from now and there are some things in the Advanced Sciences nowadays that show that what was said in the Holy Quran is right). For example, by using the advanced technology, the human being was able to determine the stages that the embryo goes through inside the womb. The Holy Quran mentioned those stages clearly; there were no advanced equipments to check on that before 14 centuries which means that the Holy Quran is not written by a human being. It is indeed the words of Allah. There are many many cases that shows this.

    5-" The one true religion is obviously the one that SAYS it's the one true religion."
    Reply : Well, that's definitely right. Islam says that about itself. It says that the religion with Allah is Islam. It says "(And whoev
    Sorry, this is the rest of item 5:
    5-" The one true religion is obviously the one that SAYS it's the one true religion."
    Reply : Well, that's definitely right. Islam says that about itself. It says that the religion with Allah is Islam. It says "(And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him) [3:85]."

    my email : [email protected]

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