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  • 05-10-2013, 12:43 PM

    I truly love coffee (just rambling, personal question at end)?

    Coffee... There's so many things about it that I love.
    Its uniform and dependent. There are Starbucks all over the US (Love their vanilla latte btw, get it everytime) and every starbucks you go to is always the same atmosphere and taste. Part of the reason I loved my trip to NYC so much is because there's a starbucks on every block! It's like my home away from home because it's so dependent, no matter where you are, how your life changes or how your surroundings change, starbucks is uniform and dependent, everywhere. Npt only starbucks, but coffee in general. Nothing beats a steaming mug of coffee in a waffle house out in BFE at 2 AM. And what I love so much about it is, it tastes the same as the coffee from the restaurant down the street from home!
    Also, I love the warmth, just the feeling of wrapping your hands around a warm mug, how you can feel yourself getting warmer after the first few sips starting from your stomach, out.
    It's so simple too. You ask for a cup of coffee anywhere, and they have it. They pull out a mug, find the underused coffee pot in the corner and pour steaming coffee into it. Add a little sugar and cream. So simples, yet so... warming. relaxing.Mellowing. It makes me carefree, and after the first sip, life boils down to as simple as it can be: I'm alive. Enjoy it.
    I'm still trying to find the word that describes how it makes me feel. Maybe it's just me. But I just needed to get that out, I've been feeling it for so long. Maybe someday I'll find that word
    So what about you? How does coffee make you feel?

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