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  • 09-06-2013, 02:49 AM
    You need to be confident about your self , i think it's the reason of your shyness. Start a small conversations with your girl not matter your are on facebook or face to face chat just do it buddy. Keep interactions short and walk away...
  • 09-05-2013, 10:10 AM
    so how did it go....?:-)
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  • 07-30-2013, 05:07 AM
    Hey buddy Just talk to her concerning what you both wish for to do with your life and why. That's hop to lead to impressive. Well all thing’s depends what situation you are in. Do you know this teenager at all? Do you see her daily? For example, if she is your classmate, you might be a small talk by asking her what topic she chose for the paper or what she do for the dailywork. Then one time you're in a chat that can show the way to asking more questions about her and getting to know her better
  • 06-03-2013, 07:28 AM
    And another thing, girls really love to get appreciation remarks. You can start an obvious remark by telling her how pretty she is with her dress or maybe start in a subtle convo such as, "Nice shoes you've got there." Try to be as friendly as possible so you wouldn't freak her out.
  • 06-03-2013, 07:22 AM
    Hello Mr! The girl you like maybe one of the 21st century woman who would go after a man, but basing on your post, I don't think she is. So with that, you better do the first move. A "hi" would be a good start and asking for her number through a mutual friend would also be a help. Just a little encouragement, you don't really need to be "insecure" about your weight (I can sense that on your posts.) Instead, remember that your personality is the greatest key that would attract that lucky girl. Go fight!
  • 05-22-2013, 10:07 AM
    Mr Velociraptor

    How to get rid of shyness and talk to this girl? Easy points!!!!?

    I'm 15, im 6 ft 1, i live in Scotland. i play the guitar, and rugby, at prop (if you know anything about rugby), i lift weights twice a week, but i have a little it of excess weight, not a lot anymore, but a wee bit. I'm planning to have lost it all by Christmas. anyway, I like a girl called Vahri, who's in my year at school, and i have liked her for like 7-8 months, but we haven't had a conversation since February. Yeah i know, a really long time.

    Anyway, I'm quite a shy guy, and ive never even had a girlfriend, i used to be fat, and i was bullied because of it, which led to really low self-esteem, so i find it hard to talk to girls i like. i prefer to do it over facebook, and then kinda work into face to face talks.

    So i haven't spoken to her in ages, but i still like her. But lately I've noticed that she seems to be looking at me a lot, like in the corridors or in P.E. today, not smiling, but looking at me as she walks past and holding the look as i look at her. I don't really think she likes me, cause I'm not great looking, but do you think there's a chance it could happen?

    P.s. - I'm going to France in 5 weeks with my school, and luckily not only is Vahri going, but also my 3 best friends. i obviously want the be friends again with her by then, but i don't know how to start the conversation, and i don't want it to be awkward!

    P.s.s - I'm a nice guy, everyone thinks so, that's mostly why people pick on me

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