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  • 07-20-2013, 04:43 PM

    Have I got a mental illness? I've had these symptoms for 2/3 years. Just need an opinion.?

    Seasonal affective disorder ( I get Depression from September to March)
    feeling irritable- Yes
    feelings of despair- Yes
    feelings of guilt and worthlessness- Yes
    low self-esteem- Yes
    indecisiveness- Yes
    tearfulness- Yes
    feeling stressed or anxious- Yes
    a reduced sex drive- Yes
    In addition to the above symptoms you may also:
    vlbe less active than normal
    feel tired and sleep more than normal (hypersomnia) Yes
    feel lethargic (lack energy) Yes
    find it difficult to concentrate Yes
    have an increased appetite and eat more than usual (hyperphagia) Yes ( gained weight)

    Borderline personality disorder

    emotional instability (a psychological term for this is affective dysregulation) Yes
    disturbed patterns of thinking or perception (psychological terms for these are cognitive or perceptual distortions)
    impulsive behaviour- Yes
    intense but unstable relationships with others- Yes can be.
    Need to self harm- Yes

    During a period of depression, your symptoms may include:
    feeling sad and hopeless- Yes
    lacking energy- Yes
    difficulty concentrating and remembering things- Yes
    loss of interest in everyday activities- Yes
    feelings of emptiness or worthlessness- Yes
    feelings of guilt and despair- Yes
    feeling pessimistic about everything- Yes
    self-doubt- Yes
    being delusional, having hallucinations and disturbed or illogical thinking- sometimes I need a reality check.
    lack of appetite- no my appetite increases
    difficulty sleeping- Yes
    waking up early- Yes
    suicidal thoughts- Yes

    The manic phase of bipolar disorder may include:
    feeling very happy, elated or overjoyed- Yes
    talking very quickly- apparently sometimes I do
    feeling full of energy- Yes
    feeling self-important- Yes
    feeling full of great new ideas and having important plans- Yes
    being easily distracted- Yes
    being easily irritated or agitated- Yes
    being delusional, having hallucinations - No.
    The happy mood lasts from minutes to days whereas the depression lasts secounds to months. My anger can last days.

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