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  • 10-08-2013, 10:43 AM

    Does This Sound Like Walking Pneumonia?

    So I have been experiencing typical symptoms of bronchitis for about a week now (low-grade fever, hoarseness, mucus after a deep cough, etc.).
    Over the course of the past three days, I have been sleeping, taking Nyquil, drinking OJ, water, and beef bouillon (not simultaneously, of course lol), and eating light meals (mostly soup).
    I've managed to break my fever on four different occasions over the week, but it keeps coming back when I try to move around and resume daily life. I'm 23 and a dancer, so I know that "daily life" may be a little strenuous on a recovering sick person, but even taking a shower or feeding my animals leaves me fatigued whether a fever is present or not.
    Today I noticed that I'm coughing a little more, but when I do it doesn't yield the mucus I was shaking up before. However, I do still get some here and there; it's in small... chunks that are such a sickly green it's almost brown. My chest burns only after I shake this stuff loose, and I've begun to notice that when I breath in deeply it is no longer really painful, but feels like there is something tacky in the bottom of my lungs pulling apart when they expand. It even rumbles a little.
    I've also been exceptionally nauseated today, which wasn't a problem before, and my fever popped up to 100.6 before going back to normal after a 2 hour nap.
    I keep gravitating towards the possibility of it being pneumonia, but usually the fever exceeds 101 degrees and I don't have a rapid heart/breathing rate.
    I understand that the best recommendation would probably be to see someone in person, but I'm hoping I can get some helpful pointers/advice without it costing an arm and a leg beforehand. I'd like to treat this myself, if possible.

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