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  • 05-25-2022, 08:33 PM


    Share in the way that gives you the most pleasure. If you love to share by writing, then share in forums or your blog.If youre purely visual, then Instagram and Pinterest are best.If you like both, do both.Just dont expect money.Do it for your own pleasure.
  • 06-21-2013, 07:35 AM
    It's simply a matter of stand. Maybe some people do not really intend to side on which you think is "blinded" or "hypocritical" but because that is what they see is right, they end up working on it and do the opposition. And for the last question, some are really a muted party that they do not really want to involve themselves with this things.
  • 06-19-2013, 10:21 AM
    I get involved in political discussion all the time, and I see people from both sides complaining about the media and the leanings of particular networks. I see it every day, really...literally, and from both sides.

    But here's the catch...all television news networks lean the same way except for one. So, the one single voice of opposition gets much more negative remarks made than the rest combined.
    If you pay any attention, you know which one I'm talking about. The thing is, when people take the time to look up facts and compare them to what has been reported by the different media outlets, they find that all of them twist stories to fit their agendas, but only ONE news outlet presents the most fact based information. This fact based information is heavily surrounded by opinion, yes, but it is still based in factual information. The rest of them make up stuff as they go, no matter what the facts are. Many will fully engage in bold faced lies and expect the people to believe it. Sadly, many people will believe those lies without ever actually looking into the truth for themselves. In many cases, the news outlets completely neglect to report on major stories because it does not fit their agendas. Case and point: Benghazi. Only one news outlet reported this story for months, and they reported FACTS. The rest ignored the story until the government was forced to start answering questions (which they have only begun to do).

    Those "followers" as you called them, that are on the side of the majority of the networks are hardly more tolerant, considering they cannot tolerate a child practicing his religious freedom (which is guaranteed in the Constitution) at school, and they believe in freedom of speech only in the case of their own speech and those who agree with them. Those of us who disagree are immediately given labels of hatred.

    I, for one, think journalism is dying in this country. Every news agency in the United States, whether on network or cable television, or in newspaper print, or on the internet, are owned by six corporations. Those corporations are connected to government officials. Look it up.
    These people control the information you are given, and they give you only what they want you to know, or at least what they want you to think. Research for yourself, and stay away from the websites like huffpo. Those sites are nothing but opinions wrapped around partial stories. Very little factual information is presented because they want you to agree with them.

    One last thing...there is a very good reason that the one lonely news outlet that represents the "other side" of politics has the highest ratings of any of the others. It's because they tell a story that is closer to the truth. It's not the whole truth, but it is a lot closer to the truth than what the others report.
  • 01-03-2013, 01:30 PM

    Why do people complain that one network is politically biased one way, ignore the other network that is biased?

    Everyday on here you see people who support one political party whine, complain and put down one network because it is biased.... yet they dont whine, complain or put down the other networks that are biased towards their own point of view.

    Why is that? Are they blind or hypocritical?

    And why dont you see followers of the other party complaining about the network that leans to their opponents side? Is it because they believe in freedom of speech, or are they more tolerant?

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