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  • 04-23-2009, 07:56 PM

    First things first, no matter which you choose you will need to know HTML. Now on to the backend stuff...

    My personal favorite back end technology is ASP .NET. Being a Microsoft Developer for many years I have grown to love the way Microsoft has everything integrated together. Web development has never been so simple with the combination of tools: Visual Studios, SQL Server, Expression Blend, IIS... The integration is key and something that open source will never be able to claim.

    PHP in itself is laughable, you have much more power at your finger tips with the .NET framework behind you. Also, guess what, PHP is SLOW compared to ASP .NET... if you don't have an accelerator on the server then you are killing performance.

    You can get a free compiler straight from microsoft at the following link:

    You can also get a free database program called SQL Server from Microsoft at this link:

    No matter what code behind language you decide to use, you will also need to learn SQL(Structured Query Language) which is universally used to communicate to databases. A good place to start on sql is the following link: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp

    If you need an additional assistance getting set up, shot me an email through my profile!

    Good Luck!
  • 04-23-2009, 07:56 PM
    xo MELiSSA ♥
    Php is very very helpful i would try an learn the rest of that.
  • 04-23-2009, 07:54 PM

    For Web development; html, php or asp.net.?

    I know allot of HTML, Some PHP and no ASP.net But i want to create dynamic websites, i know that html, without javascript is nothing, which of these should i try and learn, an btw, im 17 but very intrested in this subject!

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