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  • 06-27-2009, 11:02 AM
    The media does this sort of thing because they KNOW they can sway the THOUGHTS of anyone who listens in. One mentioning of Michael's death will completely get people off track about the North Korean threat. Now, there IS a STRATEGY behind this.

    It's called emotion; no emotion, acceptance. You get people REALLY hyped up about an event (North Korea threatening to bomb us) then you quickly switch the hype over to another, non-important event going on. Then when the first event is later brought up when it occurs (North Korea bombing us or us invading North Korea], people will remember the hype and we will all accept what is being done, whether it is legit and fair or not.
  • 06-27-2009, 10:05 AM
    David H.
    Yes, and just the day before, (on the same day that N. Korea threatened to destroy the United States), comes the terrible news that Gov. Sanford had gone to Argentina to meet his mistress!
    And it was the LATTER story that grabbed the headlines!!!
    This must REALLY make one wonder!!!
  • 06-27-2009, 10:03 AM
    It shouldn't alert anyone because Kim Jong-il is just saying these things because he's insane. If you'll remember it was just in April that North Korea was testing a rocket and it failed miserably, just falling into the Pacific Ocean. There's no way that they could possibly hit Hawai'i
  • 06-27-2009, 09:59 AM
    its sad i do not think so and we all know about the media all they want you to watch them and brainwash you good ... just be careful what you listen to.. some are good, some are bad..
  • 06-27-2009, 09:56 AM
    News corporations are interested mostly in ratings and money...not what it necessarily always important and/or factual and true.

  • 06-27-2009, 09:53 AM

    N. Korea threatens to wipe USA off map, but Michael Jackson dominates...

    ...headlines.Does this alert people? Of course people are sad that an icon has died. But they RUSHED THE HOSPITAL where his corpse lay!!

    Do you think these sorts of people have their emergency supplies ready for any catastrophe?

    Why does the media do this?

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