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  • 07-07-2009, 09:32 AM
    Growing Times..
    this sound ok.. but the other one was better..
  • 07-07-2009, 09:29 AM
    Sorry. Fail.
    God is the most judgemental imaginary being there is.
    Mental disorders? Please!!!! Believing in god can be considered a mental illness.

    Sweetie, I am so sorry you got let down by what you feel is mental illness, but I am sure your friend is very human and you are overreacting to mental illness.

    Please don't equate total evil with mental illness. That is so far from the truth! Mentallly ill are people who struggle to survive. Evil is evil.
  • 07-07-2009, 09:28 AM
    Braaaaavoooo! Its awesome Alhamdulilah!
  • 07-07-2009, 09:24 AM
    Joseph Ali bin Muhammad

    How is this Islamic poem?

    This poem is called, "Listen Here."

    It is inspired by:

    -- the people who still do not understand why conflict occurs and the good we can make from it if we want to

    -- the people who do not understand brain chemistry mental health disorders and refuse to acknowledge their existence despite all the scientific evidence

    -- the judgemental and unforgiving

    -- the fitna starters and haters who need to learn to open their hearts and see everything in a new light

    Here is the poem...

    I would rather have no friends
    Than those who do not believe
    Allah loves people like me
    If I drive away someone who
    Is suddenly by mistake cruel
    After being my friend so
    In my heart I let the person in
    Just a little space
    Do not tell me I have no excuse
    Hermaphrodite rejected
    Hated and scorned from birth
    Brutalized, traumatized
    Often living life as a curse
    Someone slipped in her Islam
    To the other it resembled that abuse
    Hooked into the intense pain from it
    Gave already struggling brain chemistry
    Gigantic negative boost
    She slipped, did not mean to
    I see that in the end
    But brain chemistry overloaded when
    She accidentally let down her friend
    Correct thing to tell me
    Do not give up hope
    Only take vacation
    From thinking about your goal
    Work on other tasks Allah still has
    For self and others to complete
    Before I can be with one
    Allah matched for me
    I said I was sorry, she said sorry too
    Learn things from the story
    Serves us all being improved

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