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  • 10-07-2009, 09:56 PM
    I'm honestly going to say I disagree with you. I'm a student and I don't get much homework. I spent a lot of time watching t.v , playing video games and on the computer. Occasionally, I forget to do homework but I don't make a habit out of it. Free time gives me time to wind down, relax and do the activities I love. I play a lot of sport and I love to cook. By doing these things, I don't find my school days boring. I enjoy my life and I still learn. 4 and a half hours of homework is wayy to much in my opinion.
  • 10-07-2009, 09:56 PM
    It may be yes for someone and no for others. Those who are bookworms may like the school in any matter since they don't realize whats going on in the classroom and they are in their own world. Some may say yes because their teachers may be lacking in some quality or more. That is my view.
  • 10-07-2009, 09:53 PM
    Teacher, eh?

    Looks like you need to go back to school and learn how to type and formulate sentences.

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AmGWA9lcVE3KsIo8wms4Ztzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid =20090913001636AA1VybK
  • 10-07-2009, 09:52 PM
    Perhaps you should teach in a different academic environment, if you do indeed teach. It's one things to be dedicated to your studies, and another to be equally as bright but being a well-rounded student--engaged in other productive activities.

    What right do you have as a teacher to insist that your assignments will make your students any more knowledgeable? I can easily discern a worthwhile assignment from a meaningless one. Hard work comes in many forms. What time would they have for work experience or for volunteer activities or for being creative? Granted some students may utilize their time unwisely--with t.v. or computer-- but others do not. They need time for hobbies and for sports, friends and family.

    Top priority, in my opinion, is finding inner peace. The amount of homework time a student is assigned does not match up with the amount of learning they have logged. There are plenty of excuses to have not done homework. As of late I have been very ill due to a serious condition. My health comes before my grades. That includes mental health as well--death and loss fall explicitly into that category.

    What kind of life do you imagine for these children? A "plan of attack" on life does not involve shoving worksheets down a kid's throat and expect them to shit out A's. Hard work goes a long way, but wasted work towards something meaningless will not land a kid a paying job (if that is what you consider "success").
  • 10-07-2009, 09:52 PM

    Kids these days aren't being properly educated.?

    When i look at my students' work, most of it dissapoints me. Why on earth are they not getting straight A's. There is ABSOLUTELY no excuse not to do your homework. I don't care if your house is on fire or your mom died. Do your homework. It should be your top priority. Video games and T.V. disgust me. I think that anyone using them is missing an oppurtunity to learn. Kids having anytime whatsoever between sleeping, eating, and homework disgusts me. I believe that they should have no free time whatsoever. This way they will succeed in life because they will learn to work hard. This is why i give atleast 4 and a half hours of homework a night. Do you agree with me? feel free to express opinions.

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