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  • 01-09-2010, 08:41 AM
    Its a witty joke playing on the fact the immigrants are often referred to as aliens. In Japan if your not Japanese you have to carry around an alien registration card(Ive been laughing for years about that). the only racist part about it was the fact you said the food stamp office(implying that all immigrants are poor, and reliant on state funds). But even then in your exact wording all your saying is poor people who get food stamps are aliens(not immigrants)

    And your brother is way too sensitive.
  • 01-09-2010, 08:33 AM
    Yes, I find the joke offensive, but I would totally still laugh. We're way too uptight about this sort of thing. Tell your brother to get the stick out of his butt and loosen up.
  • 01-09-2010, 08:23 AM
    Not really. For some pathetic reason, most people find comments like that racist coming from anyone outside of their own race but it is usually perfectly fine if a person of the same backround says it. people need to shut the hell up with all this crying about racism. there will always be bigots but the only way to severely impact and reduce racism is for everyone to stop being so damn politically correct all the time. jeez.
  • 01-09-2010, 08:17 AM
    nope because i don't get it,your sister ask whether aliens have noses,i don't see anything racist about it
  • 01-09-2010, 08:16 AM
    Yellow Clock
    Maybe a little, but not too much.
  • 12-25-2009, 06:13 PM
    I don't think you need to be a racist to say something offensive and inappropriate, which, your comment is.
  • 12-25-2009, 06:13 PM
    Yes, it is offensive to me
  • 12-25-2009, 06:10 PM

    Would you be offended by this comment/joke?

    My sister posted a facebook status: "Do aliens have noses?" Inquiring five-year-olds want to know!

    I commented: take her to the food stamps office to see for herself (omigosh, I can hear the hate messages already. I KID. I love tacos.)

    Ok, so just to clear the air.. i do not have a single racist bone in my body. I was a third-culture kid growing up (basically meaning that I grew up in a lot of foreign countries), so all of my friends were of different races/cultures/religions/etc. I live in the south US now. My comment was a harmless (so i thought) joke, not much different than a Carlos Mencia or Chris Rock joke, and everyone else who was part of the conversation thought it was funny. However, my brother is insisting that I'm a racist bigot and that I'm a terrible person and he's embarrassed to be associated with me. Is this joke offensive to you? And do you think my brother's comments are justified?
    he has (un)officially "divorced" me as his sister and has cut off all communication with me. wow. didn't think it'd come to this. oh well (and yes, it was a joke and DON'T MEAN IT... it's just the sense of humor i have)
  • 12-25-2009, 06:10 PM
    Yes, it would be offensive if people didn't know you were joking. I'm sure a bunch of people don't know you were joking.

    But I agree with you, it's all in good fun. As long as you don't mean it. It's just a way to say something funny, and doesn't have to have any truth behind it.

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