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  • 09-26-2008, 12:38 AM
    Tim B
    Because most veterans do not pay attention. They see a vet and assume (and we all know what happens when you do) that he supports veteran issues.
  • 09-26-2008, 12:38 AM
    Fred K
    Not all its because they fear cuts in spending and that's all
  • 09-26-2008, 12:37 AM
    I am a widow of a disabled veteran . So was my Mother .
    I will vote for Obama and Biden
    Because I Do Honor Veterans and I do Love My Country
  • 09-26-2008, 12:26 AM
    because they understand that there is a job that needs to be done there and leaving all of a sudden would jeopardize everything and leave this nation in a state worse off that what it would be with the war. They are the ones that truly understand, the media tries to tell you otherwise.
  • 09-25-2008, 09:37 PM
    yea but the troops in Iraq and Afghanstian vets and people there now donate twice more to obama...those millitary vets you are talking about dont really care about that and maybe they have other issues where they are voting for mccain...people dont vote on one issue so vets dont either.
  • 09-25-2008, 09:36 PM
    Because they are afraid of cuts in defense spending.
  • 09-25-2008, 09:36 PM
    happy democrat
    Most people are emotional & hear him tell his war story everytime he can tell it. They didn't do research about him & so they never saw all the time he admitted to be a traitor. So he isn't talking about that now. With the internet he shouldn't be having the lead he is having. You can go to Vietnam Veterans against McCain & look for their videos & you can find actually video showing him in the hearing where the rep. for the families of the P.O.W's is begging to have this human beings looked for & he says no. Then he gets mad & walks out on her...anyone can see this for themself so I thing ignorance is bliss & if a person things intelligence/open mind is a strength & takes strength they will look for this info.
  • 09-25-2008, 09:35 PM
    cause most military families are conservatives to the grave, even if it means voting against their best interests
  • 09-25-2008, 09:35 PM
    There are many veterans who do not support McCain. So I don't know about that poll.
  • 09-25-2008, 09:34 PM
    Because there is more to it then what bills Obama voted for versus McCain. For the most part Veterans look more to what they represent when it comes to the security of our nation. McCain wants to keep a strong military while Obama wants to cut it. Plus many people fail to look at why the votes were cast the way they were. While McCain is a very strong supporter of the military he has voted against certain bills but with a reason. Webb's GI Bill update is a perfect example. McCain already had a bill in the system that would have given more benefits based on combat or time in service but Reid held it back so Webb could jump to the front of the line and get a vote on his version that ignored combat or time in service. Since McCain was trying to keep support for his own bill and not the one that Reid let cut in in front of everyone else McCain voted against the Webb bill. Yet many Democrats are so desperate to make up any dirt they can they try to use it as proof that McCain is not really for the troops at all my distorting the facts for why McCain voted against it in the first place.
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