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  • 07-29-2010, 10:59 AM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Are we going to do it in the "normal" way, with someone being in the hot seat for a certain amount of time or are we going to post, let's say 3 questions and the one who answers them posts another three questions. I've seen both versions and I actually tend to try the second version because it keeps the thread more alive than the first one.

    What do you think?
  • 07-29-2010, 02:42 AM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Hehehe. You made the thread! :yay:

    I agree, Ele, it sounds better the second way, because it'll keep it going rather than the same person being asked questions for a week. :nod:

    And I'll start by asking you questions! :P

    1) What are you wearing?
    2) Favorite ship?
    3) Favorite book?
  • 07-27-2010, 08:42 AM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    1) black striped shirt and black pants with monkey socks
    2) right now it's House and Cuddy, back in the days it was Mulder and Scully
    3) tough question, I read a lot, basically everything Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child are writing is awesome, the book I enjoyed the most in the last months was the Biography of Katharine Hepburn.

    1) How many languages are you able to speak?
    2) Which trip did you enjoy the most in your life?
    3) First concert you went to?
  • 07-27-2010, 05:06 AM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Do you wear makeup? What kinds?

    I never wear make up.

    Favorite UC coupling?

    River and Jayne from Firefly/Serenity. They're my favorite ship overall too.

    Favorite Flower?

    Tulips, I think. I've never really given my thought to it.

    Favorite Gilmore Girls character? Couple?
    Favorite baked potato topping?
    Favorite procedural show?
  • 07-27-2010, 03:02 AM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!


    Okay, my answers were:

    1) This is the only language I speak. I know a bit of French because it's required in school but I've since forgotten most of it.
    2) My best trip was my Eurotrip adventure when I was 19, which was the craziest and funnest and scariest thing I'd ever done at the point because I'd never really been anywhere. It was awesome.
    3) Don't judge me. It was Britney Spears. I was 12, and it was during the Baby One More Time period. I wanted to see the opening act, which was Sky. They signed my pants.

    Oh, right, questions: BLERG What were they.

    1) Who do you love more than anyone else on this planet?
    2) Whats your favorite ep of 30 Rock?
    3) What is your phobia?
  • 07-27-2010, 12:04 AM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Favorite Gilmore Girls character? Couple?

    Probably Paris. Or Gil. I loved Gil. And Mrs. Kim

    Fav couple was Rory/Jess! :love: I miss them.

    Favorite baked potato topping?

    Ummm butter, I guess. Normally I'm not that fancy with baked potatoes. Sometimes sour cream.

    Favorite procedural show?

    CSI: NY by far!

    What kind of junk food do you like the most?
    What is your favorite TV network?
    Choose your favorite smilie!
  • 07-26-2010, 07:08 PM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    OK, I'm restarting this:

    How old are you?

    Do you wish you were older or younger?

    Were do you see yourself in 5 years
  • 07-26-2010, 06:30 PM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    What kind of junk food do you like the most?

    Potato chips. I eat way to much of them.

    What is your favorite TV network?

    I'm going to have to say NBC. They have 30 Rock, The Office, SNL, and Heroes. Plus I like watching MSNBC for news. So, yep, NBC.

    Choose your favorite smilie!

    I love this one, but I've never gotten to use it before:

    What is your favorite vacation spot?
    How long have you lived in your current home?
    What was the last movie you saw in theaters, and how did you like it?
  • 07-26-2010, 06:07 PM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    Woops. Sorry, stupid me edited your post again instead of replying. Could you change your post again please. *facepalm*

    I'll let others answer the questions before I destroy the whole thread.

    ETA: Thank you. :kiss:

    To punish myself I'll reveal that my first concert was David Hasselhoff. And yes, I went for him alone. Feel free to mock me. :P
  • 07-26-2010, 03:23 PM

    Hot Seat #1 - Let's get to know each other!

    How old are you?

    22, coming up on 23 next month

    Do you wish you were older or younger?


    Where do you see yourself in 5 years

    Well, in five years I'll be 28, and hopefully I will have moved forward in my career somewhat.

    What is your favorite movie?
    What are you afraid of?
    Do you have any siblings?
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