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  • 07-27-2010, 08:59 PM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    I saw those pictures of kelly and the kids.... so cute!!!
  • 07-27-2010, 06:56 PM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    bringing this over from past thread

    hm i dont think so lol.. for me especially it was season two which was the best for rufly in drama and more.. maybe it was this thing, that both had there really a own story. it was the searching after their son and then this drama with bart, the money worries from rufus.. that was everything a own story for rufly. in season one they were in my eyes only figures in the background. they had not really a story. i dont like it if my fafourite persons are in the background only.
    and i dont want both back to the way from season one with the game from will they or not this two ways before and some ways back ..:embarrassment:
    they are to old for this game i think.

    i hope for season 4 that they are involves in dans baby story and that rufus gets a job.. that william dont comes back lol.. that chuck and lily have an short twist about this with chuck and jenny. that rufus acts more like a men. and that lily holds to him lol
  • 07-27-2010, 06:04 PM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    SLUT:goof::goof::goof::goof::goof::goof::goof::bum p::lmao::lmao:

    hm i think they did not really fast hook up after this.. they wanted search their son and i remember me that rufus was even stil pissed at lily there and she felt that. she was scared in this hotelroom there. she thought that he would hate her forever and she could not see that more.. and then it happened what we all knews. rufus can never be really angry on lily.he loves her to much.. and the situation in the hotelroom was clear. their feelings for eachother came back and they could not ignore that more.. and i think there is even like a kind from a little time jump in some episodes hm.
  • 07-27-2010, 02:41 PM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    wow loving this!!! Ive only read one of your snippets, have you posted more?? its heartbreaking really, i can't wait to see why lily is acting so well mean....i mean we know why, but i cant wait to read why you think why!!
  • 07-27-2010, 02:20 PM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    heyyy ruflyss
    some stuff I made

    More here, at my tumblr Achtung, baby
  • 07-27-2010, 10:35 AM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    Hi ocxfiles09, my name is Alexa, what's yours.

    I don't want Rufus and Lily to be in the background like they were in a few episodes after their wedding in season 3...that was just boring, especially the episode where all they did was play board games with Hillary Duff. What I meant was that they don't have to have a main storyline all the time as long as they are interacting with the kids, going to events, doing brunch, and maybe having a few sweet moments to themselves. I DO want them to have lots of romantic moments and kisses next season but I am not a fan of them making out in front of the kids or too much in public. I love when they are in public and have their arms around each other or hold hands and give each other sexy looks. I would also love to watch them cook together again they are so adorable when they do that. I wish I could write better because I have a cute idea for a fanfiction involving a cute date night for Rufus and Lily in which they go out to a pizza place in Brooklyn and eat pizza and french fries and drink beer and act like teenagers with no money again.

    In regards to Serena and Rufus, I understand that Rufus was trying hard to get along with Will for Serena and Eric's sake but I think he needs to tell Serena that directly because she isn't that bright and I don't think she gets it. But I love Serena and I have this really cute moment imagined between Rufus and Serena;

    Serena just got back from Paris and goes to see her mom and they hug and giggle and Serena tells lily all about Paris. Then Rufus comes downstairs and thngs become really awkward between the three. Serena, knowing that she had treated Rufus really badly asks Rufus if she can talk to him alone. They both go to talk at the kitchen table. Serena tells Rufus that she is really sorry for the way she acted and she knows that she hurt both him and her mom with her selfishness but she just wanted her dad to love her and be a part of her life. Rufus says that he understands how she would so easily jump at any chance to have her dad be back in her life for good and that he is so sorry that her dad is not a bigger part of her life because she really deserves a loving father. Then he will tell her how even though he is not her father that he loves hher and will always be there for her. Serena will thank him and tell him that she is really glad that he is not the kinda guy who would cheat on her mom and leave them because she is really happy that he is her stepdad and loves her mom and makes her happy. And then they will hug and all will be forgiven.
  • 07-27-2010, 10:02 AM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    haha, this new thread title makes me giggle. thanks for doing that, Sly!

    hi netti. interesting point about them having their own sl in season 2. i agree with you. that drama brought much to their story.
  • 07-27-2010, 07:40 AM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    Chapter 13 of When I Look at You is up! I know I'm posting the new chapters fast, but I want to get most of the story done now, so I don't have a lot to finish when I get back.
  • 07-27-2010, 07:24 AM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    thanks for doing that! i love the new pix of her, that color pink is GORGEOUS on her and i love it when she wears her hair down! :blush:
  • 07-27-2010, 06:57 AM

    Nostalgia {Rufus♥Lily} #41: Because Lily Humphrey is looking hot for Mr. Humphrey in NYC!

    [QUOTE][Serena just got back from Paris and goes to see her mom and they hug and giggle and Serena tells lily all about Paris. Then Rufus comes downstairs and thngs become really awkward between the three. Serena, knowing that she had treated Rufus really badly asks Rufus if she can talk to him alone. They both go to talk at the kitchen table. Serena tells Rufus that she is really sorry for the way she acted and she knows that she hurt both him and her mom with her selfishness but she just wanted her dad to love her and be a part of her life. Rufus says that he understands how she would so easily jump at any chance to have her dad be back in her life for good and that he is so sorry that her dad is not a bigger part of her life because she really deserves a loving father. Then he will tell her how even though he is not her father that he loves hher and will always be there for her. Serena will thank him and tell him that she is really glad that he is not the kinda guy who would cheat on her mom and leave them because she is really happy that he is her stepdad and loves her mom and makes her happy. And then they will hug and all will be forgiven. /QUOTE]

    that would be a really good family moment but i have daubts sighs that this will happens

    oh my god i will really like to see that in the show. it would be more different for lily as her glamour things. they should really go out and not in a expensive restaurante. they should go to a pizza place and be only normally and not like as would they rich people and maybe they could dance together too.
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