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  • 09-09-2010, 09:55 PM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    Fear not the vest.
  • 09-09-2010, 02:23 PM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    If you look at the first 2 pics in my previuos post (beforeI re-located the tweeters to the upper part of the faring,) you'll notice the "flush" mount option has a bezel ring that the goes around tweeters that they mount in to. They will cover the marks left behind by the fairing mirrors. In the 3rd pic, I just re-mounted the mirrors over the bezel. As you can see the ring is wder than the the base of the mirrors, so it should cover any marks on the fairing. Now, mind you, when you mount "flush mount the tweeters in this area it's not a perfectly flat area, so the there will be a slight space on the upper and lower parts of the bezel. Looks fine IMO.

  • 09-09-2010, 09:07 AM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    One final question for you Larry.
    In my case, I have painted the inner fairing and reinstalled the fairing mirrors over the paint, before I realized the 575's were blocking the mirrors. When I removed the mirrors to see what could be installed there to cover the holes, I now see a ring in the paint the same size as the mirror base. It won't buff out, I'll need to put on something that is as large as the speaker base or a ittle larger.
    Do You know if the Memphis Tweeters base is large enough to not only cover the fairing mirrors holes , but also the ring left in the paint by the mirror base?
  • 09-09-2010, 01:36 AM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    I Don't have Pics., But it Should be Pretty self evident in its description. I Started doing this minor mod about 20yrs ago, and it's CHEAP!
    Size 14, or 15 Boots, do Not allow much room on the Floorboards, so I remove the Rear Shift Lever, and depending on the levers, I have found the Rear to be Slightly Longer, so I put it where the Front Lever goes, and leave the other lever off altogether. Then I Grab a Nice shiny Closed end Lug nut, that's close to the Shift Lever Shaft Diameter, drill the Threads out of the Lug nut, drill and tap a SMALL Hole for a Set Screw, (to Hold the Lug nut on), TRY to Drill and Tap it where the Old lever Screw would have been, there is a little Groove there.Don't forget your Loctite on the Set Screw too. There are TONS of Lug Nuts out there, so look for what YOU Like, and Go for it! Good Luck.
  • 09-08-2010, 10:44 PM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    As someone who spent 20+ years in the car audio business i agree with Pez and the others, as long as the crossover is used there is no impedence problem. This is a great idea that i am seriously going to have to consider doing myself.

    Oh yeh one other thing.....GO BUCKEYES !!!
  • 09-08-2010, 05:31 PM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    One seller on Ebay has the Memphis tweeters listed for $50 + 15 shipping. These are the aluminum-cone variety, which I understand is best for weather resistence. I might bite on this one, although I'm still traumatized by the thought of drilling the inner fairing. I don't like altering anything on the bike permanently unless necessary, but this may qualify.


    Do a Google search on "Memphis tweeters" and you'll find more sellers.
  • 09-08-2010, 03:08 PM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    Check out Memphis Audio on the Web. They are the PR 15's. I got them locally here in Pittsburgh at Audio Commications.

    The bars in the "before" pics are NOT 575's. I don't know who's they are, but I didn't like them ,so I swapped out for the WO 575's
    which are in the "after" pics.

  • 09-08-2010, 10:19 AM
    miss p

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    That's what I'm talking about. Memphis Tweeters are what brand?
    Where would I find them?
    For what it's worth, I'm wondering if those are model 575 wild1's, as they sure look different than mine, and I definately won't be going back to the fairing mirrors as I'm real happy with the mirrors I have on the bars. I know they aren't as sleek, but the safety value went way up when I added the bar mirrors.
  • 09-08-2010, 09:52 AM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    The answer is yes, you can put tweeters there. But , you'll have to put a 1" hole where the fairing mirrors were.
    I did it.

    As far as being reversable, yep, you can do putthe fairing mirros back ontoo. I did that too, as I decided that i didn't like the mirrors on the controls either. So I used a stick of the moldable JB weld ( yeah, that's right I saidi t, JB WELD,) ;-) to fill in the hole's and re-drilled and mounted the fairing mirros back on. Left the the tweeters flush mount bezels there too.

    Here's before and afrter pics of the tweets mounted where the fairing mirrors were and then re-located to the upper fairing using the surface mounts.
    ( The Memphis Tweeters include 3 different mounting options. :-)



  • 09-08-2010, 06:04 AM

    "DIY MODS" and TRICKS to SAVE $$$$$$

    My bars are up as high as they can go for my long arms. I'm 6'3". I may be interested in the Kuryakyn mirrors that use the same holes as the HD fairing mirrors but, I'm way more interested in finding something that will fill the holes in the fairing and look nice.
    My original question stands.
    Do you know for sure the tweeters will cover the holes or are you just thinking they will?

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