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  • 09-12-2010, 11:36 PM

    Subs or Dubs?!?

  • 09-12-2010, 05:58 PM

    Subs or Dubs?!?

    8O where is Xamster...
  • 09-12-2010, 04:34 PM

    Subs or Dubs?!?

    Wheres Xamster when you need him?

    righttttt, people who watch dubs should go get a life? I'm not even gonna comment on this, just re-read your post and figure out how stupid and arrogant you sound.

    I like watching my animes dubbed, why? Its simple. Because I prefer to undersatnd what the characters are saying, rather than reading what they are saying. Notice I used the word prefer, for all of you who can't tell opinion from fact.

    As for the 'underacting' problems of dubs that many of you have brought up, I believe that the japanese voice actors tend to overact, alot. And for the record, I think the english actors are usually more realistic.

    As for people who are *****ing about how dub always traslate things differently or changes lines etc - if you can speak japanese, I will respect your opinion, but if you are taking the traslations from the fansubs that you watch (which i know most of you do) then you are just stupid for trusting fansubs over official dubs. Sure there are some lines that change in the dub, but its not as if they are changing the entire storyline, and I'm sure the lines in fansubs aren't 100% accurate either, so if your gonna ***** about translation, learn japanese then you can ***** about it.
  • 09-12-2010, 09:23 AM

    Subs or Dubs?!?

    Honestly, I'm almost split on this decision, but dubs overall and I have my reasons. I can understand things at a deeper level and I can get a deeper understanding of the morals and underlying messages better if I can hear it in my own language. Like I tried to listen to Gundam Wing in subs, I hated it...But I love the dub. But I love the sub for the Hellsing ova, dub obviously isn't out yet, but just an example of what a good sub is. Basically it comes down to whether you care about how "pretty" the voices are or whether you care about understanding it at a deep level and not having to read across the screen. The argument about voices in English being bad because characters are Japanese isn't even valid in a lot of cases. Because in many anime series, there are tons of characters who don't look anything like Japanese...
    Some of my favorite dubs are Macross Plus, Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig, and Naruto (the edits are bad, not the voices, get it right).
  • 09-12-2010, 12:30 AM
    Todd the Fairy

    Subs or Dubs?!?

  • 09-11-2010, 06:15 PM
    Dr. Greenthumb is famous

    Subs or Dubs?!?

    I would extend that to anybody who thinks that a series of bold, declarative statements about the superiority of how they watch their cartoons is a good idea. Directed to no one in particular, because I'm too polite to do anything but feel superior for my lack of feeling superior.

    But here's the thing. Do you understand Japanese, and Japanese accents, and Japanese colloquialisms, to be able to say confidently that that wasn't the joke in the Japanese? That something about his Japanese voice didn't make him sound like a hick to a native Japanese speaker? I don't have any idea whether it is or not, I've never seen an episode of Naruto in my life, dubbed or subbed. But there's the whole Osakan thing... I couldn't tell an Osakan from a Tokyo...ian if one of them bit me. But I can surely tell the difference between a Bostonian and a Texan on the phone. Or a Newfie and an Ontarioian. I dunno.

    I've said it before: for 98.5% of anime fans, this gets to be a stupid argument as soon as you get past "I like _____ better". Watch what you want, don't even try to justify it, I think.
  • 09-11-2010, 04:13 PM
    lil zebra lover

    Subs or Dubs?!?

    WTF? Gai was the best voice on Naruto. His dub voice was WAAAAAYY funnier than his Japanese one. Besides, he's not supposed to sound serious, after all if he did he'd sound like Itachi (same VA)
  • 09-11-2010, 03:29 PM
    :) cheaa.

    Subs or Dubs?!?

    Id have to say subs. Not just 'cause everyone else is saying "SUBS PWN D00D" Because it seems that with subs, the creators actually go out of thier way to get good voice actors.

    With dubs. Take Card Captor Sakura for instance. Its like taking my 15 year old brother, who sounds NOTHING like a female, and making him Sakura. Sakura's character, is a cheerful, cute, fluffy fun-loving, shy girl.

    The dub made her sound like a thug in my opinon >_>...

    The Naruto dub, wasn't so bad..until they got to Gai.

    Gai looks like a silly , macho, "Im going to kick your ass" guy.

    Not.. a country hick u_u


    Subs FTW
  • 09-11-2010, 09:35 AM
    stephanie n

    Subs or Dubs?!?

    Wow another thread like this,the last one lasted 5 pages anyway acording to the poll subs are winnning and i am with the subs.I have also a few words to say to people who only watched dubbed(no offence though),GO GET A LIFE.
  • 09-11-2010, 02:35 AM
    Hesham Al-Rousan

    Subs or Dubs?!?


    I probably wouldn't have put it soo bluntly, but THANK YOU Jus390 For a minute there I thought I was in the wrong thread after the references to birds and gardening tools.
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