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  • 10-14-2010, 01:35 AM
    Maverick Michelle

    So where does my life go from here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Squizzle View Post
    well what can i say. i f'ed up. i just lost my girlfriend of 2 years, and she was my life. i cant tell you how many endless hours we spent walking in the park, scouring the shops and malls for that perfect baby crib. i boasted to all my sex crazed friends about her enormous boobs and how i could get laid in just a few ticks.

    ahh...those dreamy nights, me and her laying there together, tired from running through the fields all day together.

    But the love affiar ended as all good things do. i got greedy and tried to shag her sister for the lulz and got caught.i came back to our apartment to find myself locked out and the big red letters directing me to her friends house. i went and tried to be as honest with them as i could. i told them exactly what i did and where and why. but they said they dont trust me anymore and showed me the door. now im just sitting here dumbstruck as to what just happened. to be perfectly honest i didnt realize that fucking sisters was so frowned upon but ignorance isnt an excuse.

    so now what. i feel so naked and empty, like my girlfriend just dumped me. has anyone had any experiences with womens? do they ever forgive and forget? or should we start seeing other people.
    i see your point
  • 10-13-2010, 08:33 PM
    # 2 in december

    So where does my life go from here?

    Quote Originally Posted by cinephilia View Post
    i meant that i'm sure he'd make a better use of his account (if he'd get it back or get invited again) than any user showing-off with their trackers userbars.
    as for me, that's not simply a matter of rules but it's first and foremost a matter of spirit.

    Surely trackers make the rules for one main reason and thats security but as it happens I think traders, as a rule, also the sorts of people that break the spirit as a very big percentage of them are in it for their own gain to get what they consider better trackers. I am not saying the OP in this case is one of those.
    But where do sites draw the line?
    If we allow some traders and cheaters we catch should we allow them all?
    Or should we say its ok to trade/sell/cheat on our trackers if you spend a lot of time their and treat it like a girl friend?

    I am not a member of what.cd but I am betting like all trackers I have joined members are directed to the rules and asked to follow them. Site staff and owners spend a lot of time trying to make the tracker as best they can for their members so surely a little respect and following the rules is not a lot to ask. I also realise that it is the members of the community/site that really make it, but I bet if you ask the members who are active in sites, not just downloading, they have no issues with rules in place and like the way the site is.
  • 10-13-2010, 07:08 PM

    So where does my life go from here?

    you are kidding right?

    its just a tracker. you can always find another replacement.

    you can still live w/o it..its not food or air.
  • 10-13-2010, 01:10 PM
    Joe Español

    So where does my life go from here?

    Quote Originally Posted by DouglasQuaid
    Ya I agree hes a dumbass for trading... but you called me out so simply trying to help the guy.
    Opposed to sharing files? I never said that, but since you think sharing is OK and trading invites is "BAD"... I sense arguing w/ you is moot.
    I find your post history (of trading) and the above post rather curious.

    Not sure if you read my further thoughts on this page, but they address my loyalties. I respect the community and especially those who take the time, effort, and money to create and maintain a tracker. I also appreciate those who donate their time to moderating.

    Yes, I find sharing similar to borrowing a book from a library (that I would not buy otherwise, or could read in many stores- also for free while having a cup of cocoa) and disrespecting the individuals who have asked for some simple rules to be followed for their efforts.

    How long would you put up with someone disrespecting you in your own house? How is telling someone that it is OK to disrespect the site "helping"?
  • 10-13-2010, 11:45 AM

    So where does my life go from here?

    well what can i say. i f'ed up. i just lost my girlfriend of 2 years, and she was my life. i cant tell you how many endless hours we spent walking in the park, scouring the shops and malls for that perfect baby crib. i boasted to all my sex crazed friends about her enormous boobs and how i could get laid in just a few ticks.

    ahh...those dreamy nights, me and her laying there together, tired from running through the fields all day together.

    But the love affiar ended as all good things do. i got greedy and tried to shag her sister for the lulz and got caught.i came back to our apartment to find myself locked out and the big red letters directing me to her friends house. i went and tried to be as honest with them as i could. i told them exactly what i did and where and why. but they said they dont trust me anymore and showed me the door. now im just sitting here dumbstruck as to what just happened. to be perfectly honest i didnt realize that fucking sisters was so frowned upon but ignorance isnt an excuse.

    so now what. i feel so naked and empty, like my girlfriend just dumped me. has anyone had any experiences with womens? do they ever forgive and forget? or should we start seeing other people.
  • 10-13-2010, 09:25 AM
    i love chelsea `♥

    So where does my life go from here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Albo Da Kid View Post
    Can you point me to some good warez sites and blogs? Im interested in music that is hard to find elsewhere

    and I agree with your post up there 100%.. I think Cokeman was just saying that it's a little hard to believe that he went out and bought 10 albums.. especially the way the Op put it.."i was gonna upload 10 albums that i bought..but oh wellll" which sounds kind of like a lie to either get back at them for disabling his acc or to re-consider him
    I'd be interested in warez/blogs as well if they have V2/V0/Mp3vbr torrents. Any good ones with similar quality controls to that? I've found a few blogspots over the years but I've never really kept up with them because I didnt find they had reliable quality control, and I hate downloading something only to download it again elsewhere. I'm guessing there might be some great ones with scene uploads or something similar?
  • 10-13-2010, 08:49 AM

    So where does my life go from here?

    You deserve to get your account back because you can spell an use grammar. That is saying alot in the internet world.
  • 10-13-2010, 05:51 AM

    So where does my life go from here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Duckater View Post

    Why? a trader has broken there rules an anti trader has not, unless ex trader and now got the sites they want and stopped trading but they should be treated like any trader any way
    i meant that i'm sure he'd make a better use of his account (if he'd get it back or get invited again) than any user showing-off with their trackers userbars.
    as for me, that's not simply a matter of rules but it's first and foremost a matter of spirit.
  • 10-12-2010, 09:04 PM
    bri babe

    So where does my life go from here?

    Just change your IP and get a new invite, what.cd is the easiest 'popular' tracker to get an invite to...
    Also how did they find out? Most likely the guy you were trading w/ was staff or they ratted you out. (A bitme invite is worth 3x a what.cd invite)
  • 10-12-2010, 07:16 PM
    Fred Weasley Lives

    So where does my life go from here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Funkin' View Post
    There's still Waffles, Demonoid(when it comes back), Torrents.ru, plus countless warez forums/blogs and Soulseek. So don't kill yourself just yet.
    Can you point me to some good warez sites and blogs? Im interested in music that is hard to find elsewhere

    and I agree with your post up there 100%.. I think Cokeman was just saying that it's a little hard to believe that he went out and bought 10 albums.. especially the way the Op put it.."i was gonna upload 10 albums that i bought..but oh wellll" which sounds kind of like a lie to either get back at them for disabling his acc or to re-consider him...And I'm not saying that's the case, but it would cross some minds to believe so
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