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  • 10-20-2010, 09:33 PM
    Kirsty Adams

    Child Porn :(

    I mean the exploiters exploit the children and they sell the cds to people in disguise of other sellers.
  • 10-20-2010, 02:43 PM

    Child Porn :(

    you know whats sad? child porn that sickos such as Daikinbakuju on deviantART draw is considered ok. i really dnt understand why, its disgusting.
  • 10-20-2010, 02:12 PM

    Child Porn :(


    I'm not sure what you are trying to say but what you call "exploiters" are most likely organised criminals.

    UK Bob
  • 10-20-2010, 01:12 AM
    Margo Lane

    Child Porn :(

    Hey man, who cares the child porn in our countries ? :S they are allowed to be produced and even if they dont publish the videos in internet, the child pornography can be delivered to people by them, the exploiters. they can do that in any way, may be by selling dvd films, selling cookies, tickets, in markets, eveyrwhere.
  • 10-19-2010, 06:58 PM
    Junior 79

    Child Porn :(

    Accepted OC
  • 10-19-2010, 03:08 AM
    Evan B

    Child Porn :(

    ok so he was downlaoding regular porn and a child porn image opened and he deleted it instantly and did not think much of it because he deleted it quickly. His computer then broke so he brought it in to be serviced and the image was discovered and reported to the police. Then 6 months later he started getting calls from a police detective...he travels for work so he was not always home. He was asked to come in and talk to them and then it all got rally scarry. We got a lawyer and when he went in they arrested him and held him for the night. The whole thing was out of control....his case was in the same court as real violent offenders...cold blooded murderers. It was a hellish experience for him and as we found out later his face was even on the news...all for an accidental download of one stupid image!!!! My advice to you is to destroy the computer if it breaks rather than have it serviced. I do not wish the experiences of my brother and family on anyone. Also many judges and lawyers are of an older generation (as are potential jurors) and are unfamiliar with the idea of file sharing and do not understand it. there was a computer forensics specialist involved but the image hung around in the hard drive despite the fact that it was deleted. this was all in the state of Illinois.
    So now my brother is a convisted felon, on probation and a registered sex offender. He has a curfew and receives visits from the police at all hours of the night and weekly meeting with other sex offenders which he is finding to be traumatic more than anything.
    He had not previus criminal history and had an impressive background and now his life may never be the same again. I hope I am able to help you in any way and answer your questions.
  • 10-19-2010, 02:25 AM

    Child Porn :(

    Such a facility would inevitably be misused against people for a disturbing variety of
    reasons. That's why it will never happen, and that's why such matters are best left in
    the hands of trained, skilled and well-regulated investigators. We have all seen the
    effects of surveillance societies and hopefully some of us have learned something
    from those disastrous mistakes.

    A point-and-click informant system seems like a nice idea on the surface when
    you sell it with an anti-crime or anti-terrorist gloss but the end effect is the same
    with very real and sometimes irreparable consequences to the accused and to the
    community. That's why we have courts and the justice system.
  • 10-19-2010, 12:40 AM
    Michael S

    Child Porn :(

    [QUOTE=downloadfan;358853]hello, i am a amateur photographer, ...QUOTE]

    I understand your frustration. I often walk my dog who looks just like the movie dog Benji but I don't stop at kiddy playgrounds because I'm afraid someone will point a finger or worse the police. It's not worth the embarassment.

    Some mothers will allow the kid to run over if I'm nearby and pet the dog so some have had a chance to meet Benji in person.
  • 10-19-2010, 12:23 AM
    rockys W

    Child Porn :(

    could have been real CP, or the law...as long as you don't go back or make a habit of doing such searches as visiting such sites I'm sure you're fine.

    its really not a big issue to 'undelete' files...and view it like this...you get a machine in the shop, turn it on to even start to see what's up, and after it passes that test you run a file recovery program and proceed to work on another computer...then when the recovery program is done you see what's been found....there's really not issue with time as it were as you are working on another machine and getting work done...the most that's lost is initiating the program and then viewing what's been found...
  • 10-18-2010, 10:57 PM

    Child Porn :(

    most of these are from outside the country and of course america cannot prosacute forighners thats based on there own countrys laws and how messed up they are.
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