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  • 11-06-2010, 01:08 PM

    Superman Returns

    Methinks that the guys at BOM have a grudge against WB or SR in general.

    Superman Returns was nearing a point were it would break even W/W or at least have a respectable figure that wouldnt look so bad overall. So BOM are just moving the goalpsots to suit themselves.

    I dont care much bout grosses overall since the sequel is a go-go!
  • 11-05-2010, 08:28 PM

    Superman Returns

    That so sucks. Its about time we got some mega huge stars that are vegeterians so that we have somebody to be the posterboy for vegeterianism and who else would be better than the Man of Steel? (BTW Im not one of these people who forces vegeterianism, horses for courses and all!)

    Yeah unfortunately Im afraid I think you are right. Though its not in this continuity Im nearly 100% sure that in SIV Lois is cooking Superman/Clark Pot Roast for dinner on their double date and I have a vague memory of Clark visiting a hot dog stand......

    I thought the first 2 times that Richard was saying this is your choice Lois tofu or vegetables but the third and fourth time he says something like "Honey we are outta beef" so that makes thing a whole lot more open ended!!

    If Jason was a vegeterian??? I dunno Im still getting to grips with him. I worship Superman and Lois but obviously not the produce of their loins so I dunno how Id feel about him being one, I spose Ill take what I can get!!
  • 11-05-2010, 06:04 PM

    Superman Returns

    LOL! The search for the sequel villain is over
  • 11-05-2010, 04:51 PM

    Superman Returns

    I saw the movie for the second time today, this time on IMAX. I struggled to book just two tickets (it was that popular, I was told) in the first place and the audience applauded at the end. So the movie can't be that bad, can it?
  • 11-05-2010, 02:11 PM

    Superman Returns

    Yes, like I said, the sequel was never in doubt. I can understand the average forum dweller getting it wrong, but places like Chud and TMZ should know better. For some reason, BoxOfficeMojo has now increased SR's estimated (inflated) budget from $260 million to $270 million. Maybe they finally heard about the $10 million Krypton scene that ended up on the cutting room floor.
  • 11-05-2010, 01:11 PM

    Superman Returns

    This was on Superherohype about the Superman Returns sequel:

    "Variety has a fairly comprehensive look at the status of whether a sequel to Bryan Singer's Superman Returns would be worthwhile and profitable, collecting all of the information that has been released in the past few months. It reports that Warner Bros. execs are still "mulling" whether to sign Singer to a sequel.

    Contrary to the negative backlash the film has received by the media after it didn't do nearly as well as projected, Variety thinks that it will eventually break even:

    Warners and co-financing partner Legendary Pictures have a shot at breaking even on "Superman" once all the revenue streams are accounted for, but it's going to be a long, tough haul.

    Warners and Legendary -- which splits all profits with the studio down the middle -- are counting on strong home entertainment sales to make up for slower-than-expected box office"
  • 11-05-2010, 01:01 PM

    Superman Returns

    Here is some more news about the Superman sequel from Superherohype:

    "In a Variety article talking about investors it is mentioned that Legendary is on board for the Superman Returns sequel:

    If Legendary is unnerved, it isn't showing. Like Warners, Legendary insists it will turn a profit on "Superman Returns," and has given all indications that it's on deck to co-finance a sequel.

    Like Legendary, all the funRAB argue that they won't be made, or broken, by just one pic. By investing in a slate of pics over the course of several years, they're virtually guaranteed a return of 10%."
  • 11-05-2010, 12:26 PM

    Superman Returns


    How amazing would that be to happen in the next movie? WOW thatd add a whole new theme to the film and would be going into a new place for the Superman movies (Spiderman doest seem to stop until they are dead ) Im definately in the camp of people who definately dont want Zod and co in Superman Returns 2 (though it seems likely 3 human bodies, 12 Krytonian Crytals, 4 each........) Though I wouldnt mind seeing a possible Brainiac story (a bit more popular than the Zod rumour at the mo!) who could not only put a threat to Superman but to the rest of the world too! I dunno about Darkseid it could take ages to do his origin story and there aint a clear motive (for me as a newcomer to the character who only learned that it was "Dark-seed" not "Dark-Side"!!) But he seems a really powerful enemy!

    You see thats what I found really really strange about III and IV. People speak so highly of Christopher Reeve (rightly so) but they are all so quick to forget that he was in III an IV and that they werent liked at all and after III he went back for more (even helping the story). I know he wasnt to blame fully (the studio largely) but he aint the angel that we remeber he has done bad stuff as well. I AM a fan of Chris Reeve before anybody starts saying Im being disrespectful its just funny how people are so willing to forget the bad where if he were still alive and able bodied he may be the subject of ill feeling from fans. Just a thought!

    Oh and BTW tommorow at 8.30 Ill be seeing Superman Returns for the 3rd time WUHU!
  • 11-05-2010, 09:28 AM
    Meghan D

    Superman Returns

    When Luthor asked who Jason's father was, Lois hesitated and answered "Richard" in a tone that suggested she knew Superman was the real father, even before the piano stunt. She seemed suitably surprise by junior's sudden show of strength for us to believe this was the first time he had manifested any kind of super powers.

    I hope you like it. The theme actually has more than a few similarities to Superman Returns.

    Superman's opening was obviously stronger than Batman's, giving it a slight head start, but where Batman took in around $40 million in its second week, Superman only managed $32 million, and the 3rd week is off to a slow start too.

    Batman ended up with about $205 million, but WB had to keep it in circulation for ages to hit the mark, and it seemed to have better word of mouth than Superman, which is now becoming a bit of a Hollywood whipping-boy, despite WB trying to put on a brave face about it. It's currently at $163 million, which by normal standarRAB would be alright, but unspectacular, and for as expensive a movie as Superman, it's not good at all.

    It should be said that Superman's running time was around 100 minutes longer than Batman's, though, which means less showings per day, but Superman was on more screens than Batman, so I'm not really sure how that compares, but I would say it gives Batman at least a slight advantage.

    Still, any way you look at it, Superman's box office is a disappointment, and word of mouth isn't good.
  • 11-05-2010, 08:31 AM

    Superman Returns

    Something thats after cheering me up a hell of a lot is news that I found here


    According to the site
    "While Superman returned and Batman began, it's the Man of Steel who is tracking better at the box office.
    Comparing the early returns between the two films, it's Superman who is doing better business. After an eight-year theatrical sabbatical, "Batman Begins" also was released on a Wednesday and had a first-weekend gross of $48.7 million, grossed $72.8 million in its first five days and recorded $82 million in its first seven days - about $24 million less than Superman. Batman ended with a domestic gross of $205.3 million.

    "Superman Returns" currently sits at $155.4 million in U.S. box office takings."

    And thats the US alone!!! I might be wrong but isnt there still plenty more Countries that Superman Returns has yet to open? I understand that these may not be going to push it into BILLIONS of dollars but Im sure it will help it out a lot. I know its RUMOURED that Superman cost $200million and its likely to be more than that and then taking into account the false starts its a long way off what it cost all in all but I have faith. For example Im going to see it again which means that they get
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