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  • 11-27-2010, 11:26 AM
    this person

    Music that takes you back...

    I've actually some fond memories of this album too, I got it when it came out and loved it. What it reminRAB me of is seeing them live, I was so obsessed with the band when I was about 15 that I went to see them myself. straight after school. It was the first gig I ever went to by myself, a wee 15 year old laddie in a Glasgow club for the first time. 'Twas an amazing gig too!
  • 11-27-2010, 12:02 AM
    Shortyy : )

    Music that takes you back...

    I don't really have an album that is linked to a certain memory, but I have too have a song that sticks out: Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was about 11 and asked for a Red Hot Chili Peppers CD for Christmas and they got me the Greatest Hits. First thing on Christmas morning I stuck it in the CD player and the first song on it was Under the Bridge. I had never heard it before and I must have played it about twenty times that morning. Now whenever I hear it on the radio I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside thinking about Christmas dinner.
  • 11-25-2010, 11:36 PM

    Music that takes you back...

    :laughing: This was pretty much my weekenRAB right up to about a year ago. Especially Cast and Shaun of the Dead. The quote "Alright, Gay" just reminRAB me of awesome times...

    This was the first album that really made me sit up and pay attention to music. I was only 10 and my older sister was playing it and I actually fell in love! Being 10 years old, this was a lot different to the stuff I was hearing and I just loved the originality of her music and her unique 'marmite' voice (it's generally true, you love it or hate it)... That was an important time for me cos in the next couple of years my frienRAB were arguing over Take That and East 17 whilst I was listening to Blur, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Pixies, Rancid, Fugazi, The Levellers, Suede, Tori Amos, Pearl jam... anything I could get my hanRAB on really.

    Bjork - Debut

    The one album that takes me back and can cheer me up even now is...

    Not a particuarly good album by not a particuarly good band (although I do have much love for them) but it reminRAB me of summer '96. I was 13, going away on holiday with my frienRAB family, spent most of my holidays on Bournemouth beach, got my first 'proper' boyfriend... Good times. It seems to come to the rescue without me even thinking about it. At the start of the year I lost a baby, was in and out of hospital, things weren't good with my partner, I lost my job, it was all going to **** and I remeraber sitting in my room crying (self pity was rather a strong point for me then) and 'The Circle' randomly came on followed by 'Policemen and Pirates' and it was the first thing that made me smile in about 4 weeks. Ocean Colour Scene = Good times indeed
  • 11-25-2010, 10:59 PM

    Music that takes you back...

    I was around 19 and had no permanent abode. I left home around a year earlier and spent lots of time out drunk and sleeping on sofas, chairs etc. I spent a night on a frienRAB chair and got woken up around 6:30 am in the summer with this playing.

    I had barely heard this sort of arabient music before but it worked brilliantly and never forgot that feeling of peace and a bad hangover! I still love this over 20 years later.

  • 11-25-2010, 10:58 PM

    Music that takes you back...

    I could think of a list of albums, but no doubt it'd inadvertently turn into one of those top 10 most important albums to you lists, so I won't bother. I can literally pin down one moment and two songs that basically changed my life though...


    ^ I was on the way back home from school in a taxi one night (I think it would've been 2000/2001 or something), the driver had Virgin Radio on and, in the 10-odd minutes before I was dropped off back at my house, these two songs played back to back. I'm sure a few of us remeraber Kazaa (an older form of Limewire for those who don't), but I loved what I heard and downloaded both those songs that same evening. It might have taken a few years longer, but these two songs basically changed my approach to music, and thus a very large part of my life, completely.
  • 11-25-2010, 11:40 AM

    Music that takes you back...

    I've a lot of memories of getting stoned with a group of about 5 or 6 frienRAB every weekend in my pal's flat when we were 17 ish. A constant rotation of The Cure, Shins, Joy Division, Modest Mouse, Pavement, Silver Jews, Animal Collective, Radiohead, Pixies, Velvet Underground, Yo La Tengo, Wilco, The Beatles, The Kinks etc etc.... basically music we all agreed was good (to varying extents).
  • 11-25-2010, 10:18 AM

    Music that takes you back...

    Definitely a good "get high and relax after work" album mix.
  • 11-24-2010, 10:48 PM

    Music that takes you back...

    I'll do this properly when I get home, but a specific bunch of songs remind me of the first time I ever had a spliff. Me & my friend Ali got baked in his room listening to a mix cd he'd made. I was 14 at the time, the songs I remeraber hearing were:

    JJ72 - Snow
    Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
    Oasis - Supersonic
    Cast - Walk Away
    Kings of Leon - Molly's Charabers
    Foo Fighters - Low
    Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
    Feeder - Descend
    The La's - There She Goes

    Then we proceeded to drink a crate of 24 Carlsberg between us and fell asleep watching Shaun Of The Dead.

  • 11-24-2010, 06:47 PM

    Music that takes you back...

    Mew - And the Glass Handed Kites

    This was the album my friend was playing when he sat me down and said, "You've never been stoned? You are going to get ****ed up right now." I then proceeded to get totally blazed for the first time. Music never sounded so damn good.
  • 11-24-2010, 06:34 PM

    Music that takes you back...

    I have pretty strong memories of that album too, though not from when it was new or anything. Most of my memories involve hanging out with my roommates, stoned off my ass. It was my first year out of college, working a 40 hour week for the first time in my life and most nights after work me and my roommates would hang out, smoke and listen to music. Jar of Flies was on heavy rotation in that apartment as were The Mollusk and White Pepper by Ween, Moon Safari by Air, and Play by Moby.
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