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  • 12-04-2010, 05:07 AM

    Why do Liberals whine about Jobs?

    You so called educated Liberals are not that the smart in the real world.
    I will ask simple questions, yet common sense will probably be to advanced for you Progressive/regressive serfs! I only respect "classical libs"

    1. How does the dream act lower Obama's u-6 FUNunemployment?
    I have to explain it to you libs in simple terms.
    YOU GET 100% of your check back, but you are charged a flat tax rate when you BUY STUFF.
    This will probably not be passed. OK
    A flat tax of 15 % against your eanred income, then a 5 or 10% for buying goods/services.
    http://books.google.com/books?id=4Cr-x6ZlVOEC&dq=flat+tax+is+great&printsec=frontcover& source=in&hl=en

    2. How goes excessive rules/regualtions, and higher taxes against big business lower unemployment?
    A) It does not. THE USELESS GOV FORCED BIG BANKS TO GIVE HOME LOANS TO any DEADBEAT,or they would impede upon redlining. BE a HOME RENTER. Thanks banking queen/dodd/ and the GOV GSEs' ARE BROKE. WE SHOULD GO BaCK TO THE ((((old banking standards)))problem solved.

    3. How does BambiCare lower FUNunemployment?
    IT DOES NOT. Corp at a whole had to write off billions of dollars according to GAAP. Most of you regressive libs do not have the mental capacity as what I just stated! The public option is cheaper than the private option because it offers ((((((less features))))))). I did DD when I looked at other countries.

    4. How does raising the debt ceiling lower unemployment?
    It does NOT and complete dummies fall for the fear tactics. A great business reduces debt, hoards cash, expands operations and they prefer a clean balance sheet. U.S needs to reduce BOTH the national debt and the Budget deficit.
    Piling on MORE DEBT devalues our $ more and lowers are standard of living.
    The standard of living for Baby Boomers were much better, yet the Zio..nist Federal Reserve is eroding our are standards with their horrible monetary/fiscal policies.
    I would not doubt you Progressive libs are broke, living stupid, maxed out your credit cards, lived beyond your means, while blaming others for your dumb life choices.
    Darwin's coat-tails: essays on Social Darwinism

    http://books.google.com/books?id=SZjkZi7MPIQC&pg=PA267&lpg=PA267&dq=mam+an d+pap+coattails&source=bl&ots=3xFGhbh9Wi&sig=oTYvi 22FaqePsNGqqsq2H1vObAc&hl=en

    So you support a tax on fuel???
    Let's be like the EuroZone trash.....
    We already have a huge tax on cigs, then they just want to keep on taxing much more other things...

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