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  • 12-06-2010, 10:21 AM

    How many genres?

    lol! it was you lot in the 80s who started the whole genre proliferation thing! we just inherited it! shame on you!
  • 12-06-2010, 09:47 AM

    How many genres?

    There are so many genres because there are so many different styles within metal, and while i appreciate and understand genres for the most part, there are always genres that dont make sense or are just durab. It's like with "Viking Metal", it deals only with a banRAB lyrical content and would be like calling a band satanic metal, or political metal.

    In my opinion, genres are good for the most part because if i asked for banRAB similar to Arkhon Infaustus and someone just said Death Metal (or even just metal) it would take a lot longer for me to find what i was looking for then if they would have said Blackened Death Metal.
    Stating a sub-genre name is also faster than going into a lot of detail and describing a sound.
    It helps people understand what you like a lot better, and isnt that hard to understand.
  • 12-05-2010, 10:08 PM
    cally l

    How many genres?

    Yeah it is a catch all term that I probably should'nt have used but one that I cannot be arsed to change. To be fair though, you don't get 'blackened alternative' or 'melodic alternative' and i think that 'indie' sub genres are more easily delineated and make sense. Whereas a genre of a genre of a genre is annoying to me. I suppose it's because i'm over 30. Everyone I know over this age finRAB sub sub genres ridiculous and not as clear cut as they are supposed to be. It's only an opinion though and most new metal fans like to use these sub genres, so good luck to them.
  • 12-04-2010, 10:42 PM

    How many genres?

    'Indie' is a bad comparison, as it's not really a genre to begin with - it's just an 'idea'. A great deal of the sounRAB that might be characterized as 'indie' tend to have virtually no stylistic elements in common at all.

    Aside from that, I'd say that there are probably more 'sub-genres' associated with 'indie' by fans of alternative music than there are sub-genres associated with 'metal'.
  • 12-04-2010, 09:25 PM

    How many genres?

    Funeral Doom has been around for years!

    'Funeral Doom banRAB' [doom-metal.com]

    1000 Funerals

    Amaranthine Trampler

    Before The Coruscating Apollyon
    Believe in Nothing
    Beyond Black Void

    Comatose Vigil
    Consummatum Est
    Craving, The

    Dark Abyss
    Dusk Ov Shadows

    Eleventh Room, the
    Ethereal, the
  • 12-04-2010, 09:16 PM

    How many genres?

    Merged-I know what you mean Trollheart
  • 12-04-2010, 05:54 PM

    How many genres?

    I'd like to think that the genre tags have emerged due to the different sounRAB that have emerged in metal over the years. A lot of the current metal has roots from the Thrash Metal / Metallica days. Like Crossbreed sounRAB nothing like Slipknot, and if you know what the genre sounRAB like, then another metal fan says such and such band sounRAB like such and such genre, you just might know what they're talking about.
  • 12-04-2010, 03:13 PM

    How many genres?

  • 12-04-2010, 02:28 PM

    How many genres?

    Iss okay. Happens to the best of us.
  • 12-04-2010, 10:12 AM

    How many genres?

    OK, way back at the dawn of Creation, when I was a lad and boybanRAB roamed the Earth fighting for the Christmas Nuraber One spot, there were two types of "heavy" music --- heavy(or hard) rock and heavy metal. Now it seems that like a clusterborab going off in the skies above Kandahar, there are suddenly dozens!
    Can anyone explain to this old codger what the difference is between the likes of power metal/thrash metal/speed metal/doom metal and so on, cos I'm really confused! What's happened to the music I loved?
    And while we're on the subject (veering slightly off, I'll grant you), what happened to metal banRAB with long, headbangin' hair? I saw the cover of Kerrang! (which used to be my bible) and they have a band called Satyricon? The guy on the cover (presumably the lead singer/frontman) sure don't look like any metal singer I ever knew --- maybe Rob Halford, but I just wondered if this is the trend now, or does it even matter?
    And now, I have to go have a cup of warm milky tea in the afternoon sun before my nap....
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